View Full Version : Enjoying Tomísimo

September 29, 2011, 05:44 PM
Having come upon this site by accident I'm quickly becoming a real fan of it. I used to think was the best, but the fact that you have an entire section devoted to Idioms - my favorite aspect of the language - won me over. Keep up the good work!

September 29, 2011, 06:51 PM
Please help us as you are able. There is also a forum dedicated to idioms and sayings.

September 30, 2011, 12:34 AM
Yes, your help will be appreciated. As the Spanish saying goes,

Un grano no hace granero, pero ayuda al compañero. :)

October 01, 2011, 06:23 PM
Thank you JPablo, and I will appreciate your help too. As another saying goes,

Una mano lava la otra, y ambas la cara.

October 03, 2011, 09:09 PM
Having come upon this site by accident I'm quickly becoming a real fan of it. I used to think was the best, but the fact that you have an entire section devoted to Idioms - my favorite aspect of the language - won me over. Keep up the good work!

I have been over four years here in the forums, and I didn't find yet either place where can be similar than this site, then I suggest you this place as a choice for learns the language that you wish it.:p

October 06, 2011, 09:01 AM
Me gusta este sitio también.

Es muy bueno para practicar español en mi opinion. Yo utilizaba mucho antes de venir aquí. Espero que usar este sitio para hablar español con fluidez.
I like this site as well.

It´s great to practice spanish in my opinion. I used to use wordreference also but not probable now as I found this place. I hope to become fluent in spanish someday, this site will help me get there.

October 07, 2011, 05:50 PM
Me gusta este sitio también.

Es muy bueno para practicar español en mi opinion. Yo utilizaba mucho antes de venir aquí. Espero que usar este sitio para hablar español con fluidez.
I like this site as well.

It´s great to practice spanish in my opinion. I used to use wordreference also but not probable now as I found this place. I hope to become fluent in spanish someday, this site will help me get there.

Latest I used this website I entering to other site where I had to write my question in Spanish first and later to has passed at least four days that somebody see my question and then he answer my question, until then I had answered my question completely but with doubts yet, already I didn't have the assurance of that answer could be the correct for my question made four days ago.

Since that moment I said inside to me, I can't continue with this learning for at least not for the moment, I need something different and more efficacy for my own.

Then I was looking in internet during one month and I didn't find anything for my fancy, until one friend that I had added in the messenger offered me help me with my English, she gave me the link that surprise was this website, since then I have learnt a lot of in this website, I got the grande to have a long conversation in English completely of course I'm not native, all the time I do mistakes, because my brain isn't accustomed to think in English quickly, but I do the intent when I have the chance to do it.

The same will happening you in a feature not very far, you need to be patient with yourself.

Nice weekend.:)

October 10, 2011, 08:35 PM
Sé que Tomísimo me ha ayudado mucho y sigue ayudandome. En los años que había asistado los foros aquí, la atención generosa que me dieron otros foreros en contestar mis preguntas y en corregir mis errores es de mucho valor. En turno trato de volver el favor con preguntas que hispanohablantes tienen sobre el inglés.

October 15, 2011, 03:01 PM
En turnoA su vez trato de devolver el favor con preguntas que (los) hispanohablantes tienen sobre el inglés.

Así es.

Dime si me equivoco yo, pero "in turn" en inglés, es mejor como "a su vez" o "por mi parte", pues "en turno" o "en mi turno" sería como "when I am up".

October 16, 2011, 12:13 PM
Así es.

Dime si me equivoco yo, pero "in turn" en inglés, es mejor como "a su vez" o "por mi parte", pues "en turno" o "en mi turno" sería como "when I am up".

I would get to think that the turn on is your turn?

And the phrase When I'm up I understand that is Estoy parado o Estoy atento?

Sincerely I'm not sure only I'm suggesting a words that I have heard time before.:thinking:

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