View Full Version : Vaso

April 27, 2008, 10:15 PM
This is a discussion thread for the Daily Spanish Word ( for April 26, 2008

vaso - masculine noun (el), glass, cup. Look up vaso in the dictionary (

Tu dices que el vaso está medio lleno, y yo digo que está medio vacío.
You say the glass is half full and I say it's half empty.

April 28, 2008, 03:05 AM
Tu dices que el vaso está medio lleno, y yo digo que está medio vacío.
You say the glass is half full and I say it's half empty.
En español es más habitual decir: puedes ver la botella medio llena o medio vacía.
Con vaso, se puede decir: ... esta es la gota que rebosa/colma el vaso. I don't know how to translate this into English. Any idea?

April 28, 2008, 03:07 AM
No es por llevar la contraria, pero yo siempre he dicho el vaso medio vacío...;)

April 28, 2008, 03:11 AM
Bueno, Iris, tú nunca llevas la contraria :rolleyes:. Es que tú bebes de vaso en vaso. Yo, en cambio, aprecio que la botella siempre está medio vacía.

April 28, 2008, 03:15 AM
And I thought you were an optimist... What's the meaning of bebes de vaso en vaso?:o

April 28, 2008, 03:18 AM
Yes, I'm an optimist drunker ;).

April 28, 2008, 03:21 AM
Drunkard, that must be the reason why you forgot to answer my question.;)

April 28, 2008, 03:31 AM
I forgot to answer your question because you ask very quickly. I'm sure you know the answer, but you should stop thinking in English and to start thinking Spanish for awhile.
What do you think beber de vaso en vaso can mean? What are the options?
Sorry I have to leave, you'll have time to think about it...:rolleyes:

April 28, 2008, 03:33 AM
I like thinking in English and I still don't know what you mean.:mad:

April 28, 2008, 05:12 AM
Con vaso, se puede decir: ... esta es la gota que rebosa/colma el vaso. I don't know how to translate this into English. Any idea?

esta es la gota que rebosa/colma el vaso = the straw that broke the camel's back

What's the meaning of bebes de vaso en vaso?

de vaso en vaso = from glass to glass

April 28, 2008, 05:43 AM
Yes, I'm an optimist drunker ;).
Please say it this way, I'm an optimistic drinker.
Does beber de vaso en vaso mean nonstop drinking?

In English we use chain smoker for a person who who habitually smokes a cigarette and then lights up another right away, but we don't have an equivalent term form drinking. Chain drinking doesn't work.

April 28, 2008, 08:57 AM
Another way to say beber de vaso en vaso is 'to drink glass after glass.'

April 28, 2008, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the input on if it's a glass or a bottle that's half full / half empty. This reminds me that linguistically, we each have what is called an ideolect, our own personal version of the language we speak.

An example of ideolect is for me personally is the following

I don't know whether to go on vacation. :bad:
I don't know whether to go on vacation or not. :good:

For me personally, the first one is wrong, and the second is the only right way to say it. But there are native English speakers who will disagree with me.


In regards to the terms drunker, drunkard and drinker.

drunker is the comparative:
I'm drunker than she is.
Estoy más emborrachado que ella.

drunkard = borracho (you can also use drunk)
He's a drunkard.
He's a drunk.
El es borracho.

drinker refers to someone who drinks (usually speaking of alcoholic beverages) This does not imply that the person is a drunk or drunkard.
She's a social drinker.
He's a light drinker.
Alfonso's an optimistic drinker.

April 28, 2008, 12:17 PM
Thanks for the input on if it's a glass or a bottle that's half full / half empty. This reminds me that linguistically, we each have what is called an ideolect, our own personal version of the language we speak.

An example of ideolect is for me personally is the following

I don't know whether to go on vacation. :bad:
I don't know whether to go on vacation or not. :good::bad: you can certainly say. "I don't know whether or not to go on vacation"-- it's more gramatically correct because it doesn't split the preposition.

For me personally, the first one is wrong, and the second is the only right way to say it. But there are native English speakers who will disagree with me.


In regards to the terms drunker, drunkard and drinker.

drunker is the comparative:
I'm drunker than she is.
Estoy más emborrachado que ella.

drunkard = borracho (you can also use drunk)
He's a drunkard.
He's a drunk.
El es borracho.

drinker refers to someone who drinks (usually speaking of alcoholic beverages) This does not imply that the person is a drunk or drunkard.
She's a social drinker.
He's a light drinker.
Alfonso's an optimistic drinker.

All these details can turn him into a pessimistic drinker.

April 28, 2008, 01:17 PM
For me:
I don't know whether to go on vacation. :bad:
I don't know whether or not to go on vacation. :good:
I don't know whether to go on vacation or not. :good:

The point being we each have an ideolect, and there are many native English speakers who regularly use the first one.

April 28, 2008, 03:53 PM
Grrrbbss... I only needed to drink a pair... to get to the end... of the thread... I got it, but I'm still optimistic... I need some mor...
I guess my idiolect is changing from bottle to bottle.

April 29, 2008, 08:23 AM
Grrrbbss... I only needed to drink a pairUSE TWO INSTEAD OF A PAIR. YOU MAY THINK IT'S A STYLISTIC DIFFERENCE BUT IT'S NOT. EVEN THOUGH A PAIR MEANS TWO, I HAVE NEVER HEARD IT USED IN THIS MANNER ... to get to the end... of the thread... I got it, butAND I'm still optimistic... I need some mor...
I guess my idiolect is changing from bottle to bottle.

Sigues cambiando botella a botella y terminarás una caja de Don Simón sentado solo en el la calle analizando los usos de:
pair,pare,pear , for, of, in, on, at, by ...
Es agradable estar chistoso en otros idiomas.


April 29, 2008, 10:00 AM
Parece que nunca nos podemos quedar en tema.

The thread started with Vaso = Glass
and now we're talking about prepositions........


April 29, 2008, 12:10 PM
Hey, can I not drink a pair of bottles? I have to drink two bottles?
What's the point on that?

Any optimistic drinker can help me?

April 29, 2008, 12:56 PM
Hey,(THERE'S A STYLISTIC CLASH HERE. "HEY" IS INFORMAL AND "CAN ID NOT" IS VERY FORMAL) WHY can'T I :bad:not :bad:drink a pair of bottles? DO I have to drink two bottles?
What's the point on(OF) that?

CAN Any optimistic drinker :bad:can:bad: help me?

Oye Alfonso,

Me parece que par y pair son iguales. Un par de zapatos:thumbsup: Un par de guantes:thumbsup: Un par de gemelos:thumbsup: medias:thumbsup: botellas:thumbsdown:
¿Se dice un par de pantalones? Nosotros decimos a pair of pants.

Otra pregunta: ¿una pareja se puede referirles como un par?
Ejemplo: ¡Manolo y Manuela que par! sé que se puede decir pareja.


April 29, 2008, 01:11 PM
Manolo y Manuela, vaya par, al menos en España suena chistoso. Lo que transmites es que la pareja es especial, graciosa, mala..., algo indeterminado que exige la prengunta: ¿qué par de qué? ¿De gente guapa? ¿De buenas personas? ¿De ladrones?

En España, y supongo que en la mayor parte de Hispanoamérica, también decimos un par de pantalones, de guantes, de medias...

April 29, 2008, 01:19 PM
Otra pregunta: ¿una pareja :bad: puede referirse como un par? / o, más claro: ¿puedes referirte a una pareja como un par?

April 29, 2008, 01:26 PM
Es igual en inglés. Pareja es couple
en inglés pero tambien se puede decir
What a pair! pero tiene un significado
cómico o distinto.


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