View Full Version : Let's, let, set -- What do they mean?

June 25, 2008, 03:56 PM
One question, What does that mean? (Let's, Let, Set,) Where I could to use this word.

I hope you all are well.

I await your answer.:D

June 25, 2008, 04:53 PM
What does what mean?


June 25, 2008, 04:55 PM
One question, What do these mean? (Let's, Let, Set,) Where could I use these words?

In order to answer your question well, I would need to see them used in a sentence. But, here is some information that may be helpful.

The contraction let's is the contraction of let us. It is used to form the first person plural form of the imperative tense. For example:
vayamos = let's go
comamos = let's eat
hablemos = let's talk

The verb let can mean allow (permite/deje). For example:
(deje) que vaya al parque = let him/her/it go to the park
(deje) que vayan al parque = let them go to the park
(deje) que vaya al parque = let me go to the park

The verb let is also used in the indicative form, and means the same thing (permit/allow). For example:
Ella me deja ir al súper. = She lets (allows/permits) me go to the supermarket.
¿Me da permiso para ir? = Will you let me go?

The verb set could be translated as poner/colocar. For example:
Set the table. = Ponga la mesa.
Set it here. = Colóquelo aquí.

It could be translated as establecer:
She set a speed record in her car. = Ella estableció un récord de velocidad en su carro.

There are many ways to translate this verb. Also, the words set and let can be nouns or adjectives.

Make sure you include sample sentences.

June 25, 2008, 05:11 PM
Some examples:

Boss let me go to the doctor please.
Jefe me permite ir al doctor porfavor.

Ana let to angel go to the park today.
Ana le permites a luis angel ir al parque hoy.

Sr. let me cross to the cinema.
Senor me permite pasar al cine.

Lady set the chair upon of the table.
Senora coloque la silla encima de la mesa.

Shara, please set the truck next to the tree.
Shara, por favor coloca la camioneta a lado de el arbol.

Angel set the pencil here.
Angel coloca la pluma aqui.

Set the money here.
Coloca el dinero aqui.

Flor let it him take to sofia to home.
Flor permitele llevar a sofia a casa.

Rusty at least so, I understand it.

June 25, 2008, 07:39 PM
Some examples:

Boss, will you let me go to the doctor, please?
Jefe, ¿me permite ir al doctor, por favor?
(Boss, let me go to the doctor, please. = Jefe, permíteme ir al doctor, por favor.)

Ana, will you let to Luis Ángel go to the park today?
Ana, ¿le permites a Luis Ángel ir al parque hoy?
(Ana, permite que Luis Ángel vaya al parque hoy. = Ana, let Luis Ángel go to the park today.)

Mister, will you let me cross the street to the cinema?
Señor, ¿me permite pasar al cine?
(Señor, permítame pasar al cine. = Mister, let me cross the street to the cinema.)

Lady, set the chair on top of the table.
Señora, coloque la silla encima de la mesa.

Shara, please set the truck next to the tree. :good: (We normally don't set trucks anywhere, unless they are a toy. Use park or move if she is driving the truck. Use place or put if she is using an electromagnet to move a broken truck to another spot.)
Shara, por favor coloca la camioneta al lado del arbol.

Ángel, set the pen here.
Ángel, coloca la pluma aquí.

Set the money here. :good:
Coloca el dinero aquí.

Flor, let it him take to Sofia to home.
Flor, permítele llevar a Sofia a casa.

Rusty, at least this way, I understand it.

Corrections above.

June 26, 2008, 12:38 PM
Rusty, I'll do it my great endeavor writting this examples, when you correct me, please, could you write in both language thanks.

Brother, could you set the glass on top of the table please.

Hey veronica, you set the tv, in the bedroom.

Today, Luis Angel, I let you run for the park in the afternoon.

Isabel let's go to the beach.

When we arrive to the party, you'll set the present in the table aside of the cake, and later you will let his open the present in front of all the guests.

Sonia, you let me bring you a chair.

June 26, 2008, 02:41 PM
Rusty, I'll do it my great endeavor best to write these examples. When you correct me, could you write in both languages, please? Thanks.

Brother, could you set the glass on top of the table, please? :thumbsup:

Hey Veronica, you set the TV in the bedroom.

Today, Luis Angel, I'll let you run for to/through the park in the afternoon.

Isabel, let's go to the beach. :thumbsup:

When we arrive at the party, you'll set the present on the table beside of the cake, and later you will let him open the present in front of all the guests.

Sonia, you let me bring you a chair.

Corrections above.

June 26, 2008, 03:56 PM
Almost perfect right Rusty.

June 26, 2008, 08:49 PM
Almost perfect right Rusty.

Yes, almost. :thumbsup:

June 26, 2008, 09:17 PM
Another examples:

Engineer. You will let me stay in the office.? Please.

It was a big wrong, it set the meat on up of the microwave oven.

The teacher'll set the books onto the table of the drawing room.

I hope you all are well.

Have a good night.

June 26, 2008, 11:02 PM
Other examples:

Engineer, You will you let me stay in the office, please?

It was a big mistake to set the meat on top of the microwave oven.

The teacher will set the books on the table of the drawing room.

I hope you all are well.

Have a good night.

Corrections above.

Let me stay here.
(Permite que yo me quede aquí.) (Déjame quedar aquí.)

Will you let me stay here?
(¿Me permites quedar aquí?) (¿Está bien que yo me quede aquí?)

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