View Full Version : Yema

June 30, 2008, 03:18 AM
This is a discussion thread for the Daily Spanish Word ( for June 30, 2008

yema - feminine noun (la) - yolk, leaf bud, young shoot, fingertip. Look up yema in the dictionary (

Es difícil separar la yema de la clara, pero en muchas recetas es necesario.
Separating the yolk from the egg white is hard, but many recipes require it.

María José
June 30, 2008, 05:51 AM
Have you ever eaten yemas de Santa Teresa? Oh God, why did I start talking about food? I've put on five kilos and decided to go on a diet and it's so haaaard!
Yemas de Santa Teresa
12 yemas de huevo,
175 gr. de azúcar,
14 cucharadas de agua,
1 trozo de canela en rama,
cáscara de limón,
azúcar glas.

Método: Mezclar el azúcar, la corteza de limón y la canela, agregar el agua y poner ha hervir. Retirar y dejar que se forme un almíbar a punto de hebra fuerte. Pasar las yemas por el tamiz a otro cazo y verter sobre ellas el almíbar. Mezclar y devolver al fuego, removiendo constantemente hasta obtener una masa que se despegue de las paredes. Sacarlo a un plato y dejar enfriar. Espolvorearla de azúcar, formar unos rollitos y preparar con ellos las yemas, rebosar con el azúcar glas.

June 30, 2008, 02:17 PM
Now THAT sounds like a very nice diet dish........:thinking::thinking:


María José
June 30, 2008, 02:22 PM
It does, doesn't it? But when I finish my diet I'll buy myself a few... and put on all the weight again... Anyway, who am I kidding? I'm going to England in eleven days and I've never heard of anybody losing weight on an English diet.

June 30, 2008, 02:25 PM
Would this dish make you lose weight or gain them? I´m asking because both ways, you need to be on diet (I´ve been told). I need to know before I get into trouble... the dish seem absolutely delicious.:thumbsup:

June 30, 2008, 02:30 PM
But it is kind of a bland diet........scones and maybe tea crackers....

Paris.....I would become a "wino" there. I would drink wine everyday and bread and cheese and just live it up there!

I didn't really find any good food there....even there coffe was bad! I needed a liter of milk just to be able to drink it. No offense but that coffee was very, very, strong!

Are you going there for business of pleasure, may I ask?


María José
June 30, 2008, 02:31 PM
You can eat as many of them as you want because you have a perfect size 8 figure. As for me, I'd better keep well away from them.
There's this confectioner's in Sol (La Menorquina?Is that the name, Alfonso?) where they sell them if you want to try them,Jane.

María José
June 30, 2008, 02:33 PM
But it is kind of a bland diet........scones and maybe tea crackers....

Paris.....I would become a "wino" there. I would drink wine everyday and bread and cheese and just live it up there!

I didn't really find any good food there....even there coffe was bad! I needed a liter of milk just to be able to drink it. No offense but that coffee was very, very, strong!

Are you going there for business of pleasure, may I ask?

Long-awaited holidays. Lovely countryside and yeah, scones and all kinds of delicious fry-ups...

June 30, 2008, 02:35 PM
You can eat as many of them as you want because you have a perfect size 8 figure. As for me, I'd better keep well away from them.
There's this confectioner's in Sol (La Menorquina?Is that the name, Alfonso?) where they sell them if you want to try them,Jane.

Did you say perfect ...?:eek: Is there any such thing as a perfect size?
May I tempt you with an invitation, then?;)

María José
June 30, 2008, 03:03 PM
Ok, but you'll have to wait till I manage to get into my jeans again.

June 30, 2008, 03:04 PM
You can eat as many of them as you want because you have a perfect size 8 figure. As for me, I'd better keep well away from them.
There's this confectioner's in Sol (La Menorquina?Is that the name, Alfonso?) where they sell them if you want to try them,Jane.
I think its Mayorquina (entre Postas y Calle Mayor). The place is irresistable. The smell of their baking is provocative, and like good Spaniards, they don't overcharge. I love their torteles. When in Madrid, the Prado is worth a visit, and so is the Mayorquina (proivided you're not diabetic)
If you eat a lot of yemas you may not live long enough to get fat. The cholesterol will get you first.

June 30, 2008, 03:11 PM
Yemas de Santa Teresa

12 yemas de huevo,
175 gr. de azúcar,
14 cucharadas de agua,
1 trozo de canela en rama,
cáscara de limón,
azúcar glas.

I'm going to have to try this. :)

June 30, 2008, 03:15 PM
I think its Mayorquina (entre Postas y Calle Mayor). The place is irresistable.

If you eat a lot of yemas you may not live long enough to get fat. The cholesterol will get you first.

Please, Poli, please, don´t be a killjoy.;)

June 30, 2008, 03:31 PM
Ok, but you'll have to wait till I manage to get into my jeans again.
Is that the dress code for the restaurant or the dish...?:D

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