View Full Version : S@lu2 de Angel

October 30, 2008, 12:08 PM
Me llamo Manuel Angel, Manu para unos, Angel para otros. :cool:

Tengo 48 años, felizmente casado, tengo dos hijas de 14 y 6 años respectivamente, mi mujer e hijas son bilingües ruso-español, hablo espñol (nativo) inglés (nivel alto) y francés (nivel alto). Me gusta el deporte, practicarlo más que verlo en la TV, soy cinturón negro de karate y trabajo de programador de ordenadores (computadoras). Soy de una ciudad costera del norte de España, donde el clima es dulce como la miel y duro como diamante. Me gusta pasear por la playa y mirar las estrellas de noche.


October 30, 2008, 12:47 PM
It's very nice, I'm surprised with you, in really you speak all those languages with a high score, if you really speak all those languages congratulations for you, How I'd like to be as you, because, I tell you I love the languages, nowadays only speak Spanish and because is my native language, but anyway I'm learning English since ten months ago, I can to write the English, but even not I can speak it as well, daily I try of practice more my language with my friends here in the forums, and it really has helped me a lot in my learning of each day, Do you speak French? I like the French, I want to learn the language, I have thought, when I finish to learn English, I will start to learn French but, it's other story, because I feel that have a road to cross yet, in my learning, but it's does not problem to me, the problem that I'm a person extensively desperate and awfully with emotions found in my life, sometimes I think that when I learn the language, I will travel to U.S.A for that I can to practice directly with the American People, but when I learn French, also I will travel to Europe for practice more the French, anyhow as I have said before I have a great road to cross in this world of the languages, well , I wish the best in your life, and I hope you continue enjoying our company here in the forum, and please you don't leave to enter to the forums here all we are friendly with the beginning, but I don't think so that you are a beginning knowing as languages.

October 30, 2008, 01:13 PM
Me llamo Manuel Angel, Manu para unos, Angel para otros. :cool:

Tengo 48 años, felizmente casado, tengo dos hijas de 14 y 6 años respectivamente, mi mujer e hijas son bilingües ruso-español, hablo espñol (nativo) inglés (nivel alto) y francés (nivel alto). Me gusta el deporte, practicarlo más que verlo en la TV, soy cinturón negro de karate y trabajo de programador de ordenadores (computadoras). Soy de una ciudad costera del norte de España, donde el clima es dulce como la miel y duro como diamante. Me gusta pasear por la playa y mirar las estrellas de noche.

No conozco casi nada de Asurias. Imagino que es un sitio de aire y agua
claro y limpio. Me gustaría ver fotos de tu ciudad. Si tienes la oportunidad
pongas unos fotos en tu perfil.

October 30, 2008, 01:37 PM
That's very nice, I'm impressed that you speak all those languages with a high score. If you really speak all those languages congratulations to you.How I'd like to be like you, because, I tell you I love languages. Nowadays I only speak Spanish and because it's my native language, but anyway I've been learning English for the past ten months and, I can to write the English, but even not speak it as well. Daily I try of practice more English with my friends here in the forums, and it really has helped me a lot in my learning . Do you speak French? I like the French, I want to learn the language. I have thought, when I finish to learn English, I will start to learn French but, that's abother story, because I feel that I have a road to cross yet in my learning, but it's not problem for me. The problem is that I'm a person with extensive and awfullu desperate emotions in my life. Sometimes I think that when I learn the language, I will travel to U.S.A so that I can practice directly with the American People, but when I learn French I will travel to Europe(or Quebec) to practice French. Anyhow as I have said before I have a great road to cross in this world of the languages. Well , I wish the best in your life, and I hope you continue enjoying our company here in the forum, and please you don't leave. In the forums we are all we are friendly to beginners, but I don't think so that you are a beginner in your knowledge of languages.

Good job, Crotalito!

October 30, 2008, 02:13 PM
welcome!! 

October 30, 2008, 02:23 PM
I didn't make a lot mistakes right.

October 30, 2008, 09:46 PM
Creo que tú y yo tenemos varias aficiones afines. En mi tiempo libre pretendo ser programador. ¿En qué lenguajes programas?

October 31, 2008, 01:50 AM
Speak 3 languages was a question of time and hard work. I do speak Spanish as first language because I'm Spanish, I'd learnt French at school and for 6 or 7 years and I liked a lot, it's my second language, but as far as I don't practice too much, it's a bit oxided. I began with English because my job as programmer, was very hard for me, because it has so different roots... but now I can do it easy. When I meet my wife, she didn't speak Spanish nor I did Russian, so English was the "official language" at home. :thinking:

You're welcomed. :rose:

I will put photos of my city and of my land, sea and mountains, green and blue. (I'm in love with my country) :p

Programo en varios lenguajes dependiendo de las necesidades de la empresa para la que trabajo.
Comencé a programar hace más de 30 años... y pasé por casi todas las modas y entornos.:infinity::hmm:

October 31, 2008, 06:39 AM
Gracias por las fotos. Se me olvidó que Astuias incluye los Pironeos. Donde vivo yo tenemos los Adirondacks cerca. Se parecen a los Pironeos, pero en el invierno hace un frio tremendo alli que no encuentro agradable y nunca esquié.

October 31, 2008, 11:39 AM
En realidad los Pirineos están lejos de Asturias, Aquí están los Picos de Europa, Menos altos, pero impresionantes también. A mi me encanta esquiar. :)

October 31, 2008, 12:45 PM
Ok, very nice you story, I suppose it, you have worked a lot hard in your leaning of your two or three languages that you speak nowadays, also I'm informatic, I was the needed to learn the language because in my work, I have to contact with American People more with people from Houston, well, since I have been learning the language, I had a lot problems with the words because as already you know when your are learning a language different to your native language sometimes it could to be hard to learn but with the time , my friends of the website Tomisimo has helped me a lot and really that I have learned a lot the language, anyway here I continue jumping rocks in my life daily, it's because I want and I need to learn to speak the English, it's necessary for me, well, I have told my terse story, I hope you have a happy day.

Planet hopper
October 31, 2008, 02:00 PM
Hola Angel,
Vaya chuletones de ternera os haceis en asturias, los que sirven sobre la piedra al rojo...mmmm...mouth watering :) :)
Y los sobaos de mantequilla, mama mia
Aunque hable mucho de comida, me conservo razonablemente delgado...
Saludos desde Andalucia, pronto desde china....

Planet hopper
October 31, 2008, 02:01 PM
Crotalito, dude, your English is way way better :)

October 31, 2008, 03:30 PM
I didn't understand you, please you could to be more explicit.

October 31, 2008, 03:41 PM

Te dice que tu inglés ha mejorado bastante....

Si, estoy de acuerdo......

:applause: :thumbsup::kiss::present::cake: :dancingman:

October 31, 2008, 04:16 PM
Ok, thank you very much Mr.

November 03, 2008, 01:10 AM
Hola Angel,
Vaya chuletones de ternera os haceis en asturias, los que sirven sobre la piedra al rojo...mmmm...mouth watering :) :)
Y los sobaos de mantequilla, mama mia
Aunque hable mucho de comida, me conservo razonablemente delgado...
Saludos desde Andalucia, pronto desde china....
Je je je.
Como buen "gourmant" no puedo dejar de darte la razón.
Tampoco se come nada mal en Canadá (creo que tu eres de allí, ¿no?)
¡Veo que eres un gran viajero!

Planet hopper
November 03, 2008, 01:14 AM
Naci en España, pero soy un Canadian immigrant.
Lo que mas me gusta de Canada es el bacon con miel
Y los estofados de venado con curry.

Ahora mismo tengo la punta de un pie en China y la punta del otro en Kuwait...Planet hopper total :) :) :)

November 03, 2008, 01:16 AM
Crotalito: The best way to learn a language is to practice and practice and practice. Watch films and news is a very good way to make the ears works properly, but a better way (even seems a little stupid...) is watch cartoons and TV ads. The reason is that they are very repetitives, so you will ear the same phrase several times and (with ads) you will associate the image with the sound and that's very pnemotechic.

November 03, 2008, 01:18 AM
Naci en España, pero soy un Canadian immigrant.
Lo que mas me gusta de Canada es el bacon con miel
Y los estofados de venado con curry.

Ahora mismo tengo la punta de un pie en China y la punta del otro en Kuwait...Planet hopper total :) :) :)
a "plane fly"? lol

En "The Keg" en Banff ponen un solomillo de buey que está para chuparse los dedos.

Aquí en Asturias no puedes dejar de probar el pescado, está buenísimo.

November 04, 2008, 12:40 AM
Bienvenido Samuel :D
llego un poco tarde, estaba de vacaciones........ :D

November 05, 2008, 06:27 AM
Naci en España, pero soy un Canadian immigrant.
Lo que mas me gusta de Canada es el bacon con miel
Y los estofados de venado con curry.

Ahora mismo tengo la punta de un pie en China y la punta del otro en Kuwait...Planet hopper total :) :) :)

You´re making my mouth water...:D
How would you say the above in spanish?

November 05, 2008, 07:13 AM
Me hace aguar la boca.

Oye Planethopper, ¿en El Canadá no comen tocino con siropa de maple?
o se come eso en Qubec nada más.

November 05, 2008, 08:18 AM
You´re making my mouth water...:D
How would you say the above in spanish?
Se me hace agua la boca. Look here (

Poli's option also works.

November 05, 2008, 03:02 PM
Yes, I agree with Rusty, Rusty's options is the way more correct. But you can to say the same word or sentence other way.

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