View Full Version : Site downtime

May 06, 2006, 04:16 PM
The dictionary search was down for several hours this morning, and the forums were down almost all day. The MySQL server with my host, went beserk and it took them several hours to get everything sorted out. I've restored a backup of the database for these forums, and it looks like nothing was lost, all the posts appear to be here.

Anyway, sorry for the interruption, and hopefully things will be better in the future :)


El diccionario estaba inaccesible durante varias horas hoy por la mañana y los foros casi todo el día. Hubo problemas con el servidor de la base de datos, y tomó varias horas arreglar todo. He restaurado la base de datos de los foros y parece que todo está en order, y que no falta ni up mensaje.

Discuplen la interrupción y esperemos que todo marche bien de aquí en adelante :)

May 11, 2006, 10:27 AM
I didn't notice it was down. Glad everything's fixed now.

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