View Full Version : La tarea

January 20, 2009, 02:32 PM
Just started Capítulo 11 today. :good:

1. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver el programa deportivo.

2. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver el programa comedia.

3. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver una película musical.

4. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver el programa de hechos de la vida real.

*Here: check if the underlined word is written correctly. I answered these problems based on the pictures in my workbook.

word bank:
*me dan miedo

1. --¿Qué piensas de las comedias del canal 5?
2. --¡Me encantan! Son divertidas y cómicas. Pero a veces me dan miedo las noticias.
3. --¿Cuál es el programa más emocionante?
4. --A mí me fascina la telenovela de las ocho.

Translate Part B into English:
1. What do you think of the comedies of Channel 5?
2. I love them! They are funny and comical:?::?:. But sometimes :?::?: news.
3. Which program is more touching?
4. I'm fascinated by the soap opera at 8:00. :?:

January 20, 2009, 04:03 PM
Part B is OK. However, none of the translated sentences, except perhaps the last, is a true translation. Try not to translate word for word. For example, emocionante can mean touching, but there's another meaning that seems to work better.

Part A uses the verb interesar. I assume you've been taught that this verb works like gustar and that the sentence construction will seem backwards to us English speakers.
In your answers, using a singular subject (el programa ...) when expressing what type of shows are interesting to you doesn't sound right. All need changed. Some require different wording.

January 20, 2009, 05:21 PM
1. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver un programa deportivo.

2. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver una comedia.

3. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver una película musical.

4. --¿Qué clase de programa te interesa ver?
--Me interesa ver un programa de hechos de la vida real.

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