View Full Version : Reflexive verbs

September 02, 2007, 09:29 PM
Ok I have a question because what I was taught in Spanish for example reflexive verbs like lavarse, you would say me lavo las manos, but I have heard native speakers of Spanish say Voy a lavar mis manos. So now I'm not sure what is right? Can you help explain which way is the right way to say something like this? Thanks.

September 03, 2007, 01:44 AM
Usual form "Voy a lavarme las manos".

"Voy a lavar mis manos" comes from "Voy a lavar mi ropa", "Voy a lavar mi coche", and then "Voy a lavar mis manos". You're making no-personal your body.
It's better the first option. The second one it's not so common, and can mean complicate things (like that somebody whashes your hands for you).
It also can mean that you see your hands as a tools, not as body.
Cleaning your shoes could be:
"Voy a limpiarme los zapatos" You're doing it
"Voy a que me limpien los zapatos" You're going to the boots
"Voy a limpiar mis zapatos" Could be both of them. Unclear.

Hope this helps :D

September 04, 2007, 08:42 AM
Hi WMX, Just as Sosia say, it's better to use the reflexive version. It's more standard and you'll be better understood.

September 07, 2007, 10:11 AM
I appreciate the help guys.

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