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chileno July 21, 2009 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by irmamar (Post 42680)
But I never pronounce "cinco" as /sinko/ (more or less), but /zinko/. It's the same sound than th in "think".

¿Hay personas en españa que tengan problemas para hablar y hablan todo o casi todo con la z?

Aquí en eztadoz unidoz hay un enfermedad congénita que ze le llama lizp (lisp)

La persona no pronuncia las eses sino que todo para esa persona es con la zeta.

¿Entiendes ahora? :)

irmamar July 21, 2009 08:19 AM

Well, more or less I understand... Strange sense of humour :hmm:

Elaina July 21, 2009 10:06 AM

Creo que hace muchos años la lengua Española era una lengua pura. Ahora, creo que la lengua ha tomado muchas variaciones, tonos y modismos. Creo que ya no es lo que era.

A la misma vez, es muy bonito escuchar las variaciones, sonidos y tonos de las personas de diferentes partes del globo.

Podemos imaginarnos como sonaba la lengua española hace muchos años y también la lengua inglesa. Quizás hace años la verdadera o propia lengua española y lengua inglesa se hablaba solo por la realeza y por esa razón tomó la fama que ahora se le dá.

Todas las lenguas, para mí son maravillosas!


chileno July 21, 2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by irmamar (Post 42687)
Well, more or less I understand... Strange sense of humour :hmm:

It isn't a matter of sense of humor, although people laugh at others that have this speech problem.

A lot of Salvadorians speak like that. Now this is a trait of the country and not a speech impediment...

poli July 21, 2009 10:47 AM

Ecuatorianos tambien ahora que tantos viven en España;)

CrOtALiTo July 21, 2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by chileno (Post 42719)
It isn't a matter of sense of humor, although people laugh at others that have this speech problem.

A lot of Salvadorians speak like that. Now this is a trait of the country and not a speech impediment...

If you note something in the beliceños's speech, I tell you this, because they've a speech very fun.:D

irmamar July 22, 2009 01:25 AM

But this is not a speech problem, but a way of speaking. I have a relative who burned his tongue when he was a child. Now he pronounces /r/ as if he was French: he has a speech problem. But the French don't have a speech problem, since their way of pronouncing /r/ is their way of speaking. There's a great difference between one thing and another. Or I think so.

chileno July 22, 2009 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by irmamar (Post 42818)
But this is not a speech problem, but a way of speaking. I have a relative who burned his tongue when he was a child. Now he pronounces /r/ as if he was French: he has a speech problem. But the French don't have a speech problem, since their way of pronouncing /r/ is their way of speaking. There's a great difference between one thing and another. Or I think so.

Right. What I was trying to convey is that if you pronounce mesa as meza, I think you've got a problem... :D

irmamar July 22, 2009 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by chileno (Post 42828)
Right. What I was trying to convey is that if you pronounce mesa as meza, I think you've got a problem... :D

I've got a completely perfect and neutral pronunciation, without any regional accent at all. Everybody asks me where I'm from, because they don't catch my accent. These are the good things of being from several parts of the country. :)

CrOtALiTo July 22, 2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by chileno (Post 42828)
Right. What I was trying to convey is that if you pronounce mesa as meza, I think you've got a problem... :D

Yes even thought they sound like.

As this other one.



They together sound very similar between themselves.

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