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lblanco August 13, 2008 11:11 AM

Pregunta sobre acentuación gramática
¿Es necesario incluir acentos cuando se escribe un titulo en mayúsculas? Ejemplo, SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION o SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN

Gracias :thinking:

Rusty August 13, 2008 11:20 AM

Según lo que he leido, deben llevar tilde las mayúsculas.

Rusty August 13, 2008 11:31 AM

Del informe de la RAE denominado Ortografía de la Lengua Española:

4.10. Acentuación de letras mayúsculas.
Las mayúsculas llevan tilde si les corresponde según las reglas dadas. Ejemplos: África, PERÚ, Órgiva, BOGOTÁ. La Academia nunca ha establecido una norma en sentido contrario.

CrOtALiTo August 13, 2008 12:03 PM

Rusty, I'm sorry, but when you write in capital letters ain't necessary put in the letters accents.



El Árbol tiene hojas grandes.

At least, I remember when you write in capital letter all the text ain't necessary set accents in the words.


Rusty August 13, 2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo (Post 14039)
Rusty, I'm sorry, but when you write in capital letters ain't necessary put in the letters accents.



El Árbol tiene hojas grandes.

At least, I remember when you write in capital letter all the text ain't necessary set accents in the words.


Sorry to disagree with you, but you aren't citing the established rules set by the governing authority (RAE). Many people may ignore the rules, but Iblanco wanted to know what the rules are.

CrOtALiTo August 13, 2008 12:17 PM

Yeah, Rusty, but only I'm telling you, the form to write in México, the capital letters needn't acents, I remember it the said my Spanish teacher.

Rusty August 13, 2008 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo (Post 14045)
Yeah, Rusty, but only I'm telling you the way we write them in México. The capital letters don't need accents. I remember it the said my Spanish teacher saying it.

I've heard the same thing from Spanish teachers and others. However, I have since learned what the rules are and chose to pass them on to lblanco. :)

lblanco August 13, 2008 12:57 PM

Pregunta sobre acentuación gramática
Thank you both for the clarification, I have been asking several colleagues the same question and have received different answers. I wasn't aware of the RAE grammar rule.

Thanks again :)

sosia August 13, 2008 02:26 PM

I agree with Rusty.
Years ago (with typewriters) it was not easy to fullfill all the accents, and it was "allowed" not to write accents in capitals. It was not right but nobody will say anything.
A lot of years ago, with computers more in use, then was clearly said it will be no more allowed. So Rusty (and the RAE :D) is right.
I have recently answer a post,asking about Árabe
and it must be Árabe, unless your system only allows Arabe.

saludos :D

PD I have find a good post who explains that

María José August 13, 2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 14033)
Del informe de la RAE denominado Ortografía de la Lengua Española:

4.10. Acentuación de letras mayúsculas.
Las mayúsculas llevan tilde si les corresponde según las reglas dadas. Ejemplos: África, PERÚ, Órgiva, BOGOTÁ. La Academia nunca ha establecido una norma en sentido contrario.

Tienes razón Rusty, pero yo no suelo ponerlas, probablemente por vaguería. Lo mismo sucede a veces en titulares de periódicos o publicidad, pero es una cuestión de ¿para qué estan las normas? Para saltárselas.
De todas maneras no me hagas mucho caso, porque aunque vivo en España, desde los 18 años estoy inmersa en mi propio mundo anglófono. Mis alumnos se ríen porque no conozco a ninguno de los famosos del momento, pero sé quién son los cocineros de moda en Inglaterra y todo ese otro tipo de información super transcendente y profunda.:rolleyes:

CrOtALiTo August 13, 2008 04:38 PM

María José, you are a person very learned under your own world.

María José August 14, 2008 02:22 AM

Well, I know a bit of my thing and nothing of most things. But as one of the characters of East of Eden said, and I'm not quoting, because I don't remember the exact words, there would come a frightful time (our time) when human knowledge would be so vast, nobody would be able to know about everything.:confused:
I've become good at hiding my ignorance of certain topics when need be and I admit that I only try to learn what interests me.

poli August 14, 2008 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by María José (Post 14084)
Well, I know a bit of my thing and nothing of most things. But as one of the characters of East of Eden said, and I'm not quoting, because I don't remember the exact words, there would come a frightful time (our time) when human knowledge would be so vast, nobody would be able to know about everything.:confused:
I've become good at hiding my ignorance of certain topics when need be and I admit that I only try to learn what interests me.

Not a terrible endeavor--especially if you have lots of interests.

sosia August 14, 2008 06:11 AM

I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. / "Sólo se que no se nada" Socrates was sayed many years ago. It's not sure is Socrates, but he said lots of similar things.
There will always be a lot of things to know.


Rusty August 14, 2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by sosia (Post 14094)
I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. / "Sólo sé que no se nada" Socrates said that many years ago. I'm not sure it was Socrates, but he said lots of similar things.
There will always be a lot of things to know. :good: (Indeed!)


Too much to learn, too little time.

María José August 14, 2008 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by sosia (Post 14094)
I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. / "Sólo se que no se nada" Socrates was sayed many years ago. It's not sure is Socrates, but he said lots of similar things.
There will always be a lot of things to know.


Well, I'm glad there are a lot of things I still don't know, a lot of books I haven't read, a lot of people yet to be met. That's what keeps me alive...:):):)

Elaina August 19, 2008 03:14 PM

Isn't that the truth?

There is always a to go....people to meet....things to to taste.....things to learn....

But alas, we never have enough time. If I could, I would like to live to be 28 for at least 30 years so that I could have enough time to do the things I want to do.

:crossfingers::crossfingers: (wishful thinking)

Jane August 25, 2008 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 14097)
Too much to learn, too little time.

Absolutely! Which is why we should live life to the fullest, being grateful for the time we still have, taking the most advantage of every moment...:)

María José August 25, 2008 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jane (Post 14604)
Absolutely! Which is why we should live life to the fullest, being grateful for the time we still have, taking the most advantage of every moment...:)

True. Thanks for your optimism.
I know the rules, but I still have to learn to put them into practice, because, although I agree 100 % both with you and Elaina, sometimes it's easy, but sometimes it takes a lot of effort when not everything is as sunny and perfect as we as humans still expect it to be.(Maybe I shouldn't generalize)
I think very often we strive to change reality in an unrealistic way, instead of changing our attitude and learning to take things in our stride.
Para compensar el rollo que me acabo de marcar::):D:):D:):D

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