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Julie884 December 06, 2017 09:50 AM

Que somos más
Hi, dear people!
What is the translation for "Que somos más"? Not as a question, just a usual sentence. Is it "There's a lot of us"?
I really can't get yet this "que" thing at the beginning of sentences))
I'd appreciate if anyone could tell me! :kiss:

Rusty December 06, 2017 10:35 AM

Without context, it's hard to say. It repeats or augments what has already been stated.
Literally, it means "That we are more." This begs the question, "More than what?"
Do you know the context?

Tomisimo December 07, 2017 10:34 AM

As Rusty says, there are many possible translations and there's no way to know which is correct without more context.

That said, lacking context I'd translate it as:

¡Que somos más!
But there are more of us!

(Implying there are more of us than them.)

Julie884 December 12, 2017 09:25 AM

Thank you, guys! Here is the context:

Las investigaciones del CIS nos comentan que el 60% de la población de aquí de nuestro país solo habla una lengua, mientras que el 32% se considera hablante de dos lenguas.Y luego hay un 8% remoto que ya son, pues bueno, gente que domina tres o más lenguas. Que somos más, ¿eh? No parece que seamos tantos pero en realidad somos muchos.

poli December 12, 2017 08:13 PM

What more are we, eh?
or in better English, What do we add up to? Not much so it seems, but in reality, we're big.

AngelicaDeAlquezar December 13, 2017 10:17 AM

"Que" here, is an emphasis on the statement "(but) we are more". In context: "We are more than anyone would have expected".
In Spanish from Spain this kind of sentence always starts with "que". In Mexico we would have just said "somos más, ¿eh?"; if an emphasis was needed, it most probably would have been made with exclamation marks.
We only say "que somos más" when we are repeating the sentence, because it was not heard or understood (like a reply to the question: "¿Qué dijiste?") :)

Julie884 December 27, 2017 10:39 AM

Thank you!!! :)))

JPablo December 27, 2017 11:43 AM

Well, in my view, I think that the DRAE definition that could apply here is simply this one,

11. conj. Precede a oraciones no enlazadas con otras. ¡Que sea yo tan desdichado! Que vengas pronto. Que me place.

Que te lo digo yo. - I am telling you that.

It could also have a bit of the meaning under 6. (denota cierto valor adversativo: Suya es la culpa, que no mía.) as noted by Tomisimo and Angélica ("but" we are more)

In my view, it could be something implied like,

[But realize] That we are more.

I hope I have not messed up your understanding with my comments!

Merry Christmas!

Julie884 January 07, 2018 02:57 PM

Thank you :D

Happy New Year!

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