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Pura May 22, 2008 10:05 AM

Oh, Oh, I'm back ! (help with legal text)
Hello there everyone, I'm back with the need of your help again. I thought I had all the pages to this contract, but I happened to find the last page. I thought it was over, but not. If you can please help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. :)
" y para que mi mandato tenga su mas fiel y debido cumplimiento lo exhorto a Usted en nombre del poder judicial para tan luego como el present obre en su poder se sirva mandarlo diligenciar en sus terminos y devolverlo seguro de mi reciprocidad en caso analogo y cuando por Usted fuere requerido para ello. "
I think I'm going to have to look at the thread about which dictionary is better because a lot of these words don't exist in the dictionary. Well, thankyou for your help in the past and I hope I can receive it today also.

sosia May 22, 2008 02:37 PM

" y para que mi mandato tenga su mas fiel y debido cumplimiento

And in order that my command to have his more faithful and proper fulfillment

lo exhorto a Usted en nombre del poder judicial

I exhort (urge) you on behalf of the Judicial power

para tan luego como el presente obre en su poder

to as soon as this (paper) is in your hands

se sirva mandarlo diligenciar en sus terminos y devolverlo

you have to order(make) the (proper) proceedings in his terms and give it back (return)

seguro de mi reciprocidad en caso analogo

being sure I would have done the same if an analogous (similar) situation happens

y cuando por Usted fuere requerido para ello. "

(and) when You have me make a request for that (for doing the same in a similar situation)

I can made it understandable, but you must wait to Rusty,Poli, David, Eliana, .. to make it good
I must go to sleep. back in 7 hours.
saludos :D

Tomisimo May 22, 2008 04:30 PM

I'll give it a shot, but I am no lawyer, so most of this goes over my head.

...y para que mi mandato tenga su mas fiel y debido cumplimiento lo exhorto a Usted en nombre del poder judicial para tan luego como el present obre en su poder se sirva mandarlo diligenciar en sus terminos y devolverlo seguro de mi reciprocidad en caso analogo y cuando por Usted fuere requerido para ello.

... in order that my command be obeyed completely and fully, I urge you on behalf of the judge(?) to comply with the terms and conditions herein as soon as you receive this document, and then return it, being assured that I would do the same if placed in a similar situation by you.

Thanks Sosia, for helping me understand it!

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