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laepelba April 13, 2010 07:55 PM

Thanks, Malila!! :) You ROCK!! :)

vita32 August 30, 2010 01:07 PM

Esta tema es muy enteresante!

aqui - hay, alli

dulce - amargo

paraiso - infierno

blanca - negra

This is all I can think for now. :)

Rusty August 31, 2010 07:18 PM

Thanks for these.

The opposite of aquí could be ahí, allí, or allá. (hay = there is/there are)

blanca - negra (this has already been entered (we use the masculine form when listing adjectives that have both a masculine and a feminine form))

vita32 September 01, 2010 08:51 PM

hombre - mujer
dador - tomador
tranquilo - ruidoso
ahorrador - gastador
humilde - orgulloso
humilidad - orgullo
adelante - hacia atras
valiente - cobarde
introvertido - extrovertido
si - no
verdad - mentira
sonrisa - foncir el ceño

Corregir me por favor.

JPablo September 01, 2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by vita32 (Post 93298)
hombre - mujer = man - woman
dador - tomador = ? dadivoso - rácano = generous - stingy
silencioso- ruidoso = quiet - noisy
tranquilo - nervioso = calm - agitated (jumpy)
ahorrador - gastador = thrifty - spendthrift (also "despilfarrador" = wasteful)
humilde - orgulloso/engreído/ufano = humble/meek - proud/conceited/bigheaded
humilidad - orgullo = humility - pride
adelante - [hacia] atrás = ahead - behind
valiente - cobarde = brave, courageous - coward
introvertido - extrovertido = introverted - extroverted (Note: the Spanish "more correct" is considered "intravertido" "extravertido, although I use the one you noted.)
sí - no = yes - no
verdad - mentira = truth - lie
sonreír - fruncir el ceño = [to] smile - to frown

Corregidme, por favor.

There you have it.
On the "corregidme" that is typical Spanish. For Latinamérica is better "Corríjanme, por favor" :)

vita32 September 02, 2010 03:20 AM

Gracias por tus correciones y clarificaciones. Una mas pregunta (one more question):
?hay un equivalente en español por estos antonimos: forward - backward? (is there an equivalent in Spanish for these antonyms: forward - backward)?

irmamar September 02, 2010 03:22 AM

Hacia delante - hacia atrás.


vita32 September 02, 2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by irmamar (Post 93320)
Hacia delante - hacia atrás.


irmamar, gracias.:)

AngelicaDeAlquezar September 02, 2010 12:35 PM

@Pablo: According to the DRAE, what you said is true about "extravertido" preferred over "extrovertido", but not about "introvertido". :)

JPablo September 02, 2010 04:13 PM

@Angélica, thank you. (Sorry for the :footinmouth:.)
Yes, "introvertido" :good:
NOT "*intravertido" :bad:

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