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Shreyabhat December 21, 2013 07:04 AM

Check the grammar
Hola amigos,

here is some text that I created. Please guide for the grammar.

Text 1

Perdone,¿hay un casa "Rachana" care?

Si, hay una aqui en la calle "Gulmohor". Giras izquierda, alli hay una sala, cruszas sala ,giras izquireda,allí hay casa "Rachana".

Text 2

Perdone,¿hay un piso "Sunder Srushti" care?

Si, hay una aqui en la calle "Suncity". Seguir adlente,alli una gasolinera,giras derecha,luego farmacia y supermercado alli un piso "sunder srushti"

Text 3

Soy vivo en "suncity".Suncity es mi barrio.Alli un grande supermercado.Lado de supermercado alli es un parque. Alli un plaza de tiendas.Hay un plaza es una officina de banco y cafeteria.Cerca de plaza una estacion de autobus. A mi me gusta mucho barrio.

Also I wnat to know that when to use Hay?


Rusty December 21, 2013 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145653)
Hola amigos,

here is some text that I created. Please guide for the grammar.

The beginning word in a sentence is capitalized. Instead of 'guide for', which isn't English, substitute the verb you used in your thread title.


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145653)
Perdone,¿hay un casa "Rachana" care?
There needs to be a space between the comma and the inverted question mark.
You have correctly used 'hay' here - it means "Is there" when it's used as an interrogative. I mention this because you asked later on when you can use 'hay'.
Check the article 'un'. It doesn't match the gender of the noun that follows it.
How is 'Rachana' used in your language? I ask because it matters what Spanish is used.
I have no idea what 'care' is supposed to mean.

Si, hay una aqui en la calle "Gulmohor". Giras izquierda, alli hay una sala, cruszas sala ,giras izquireda,allí hay casa "Rachana".
The first word takes an accent mark.
The word 'aqui' takes an accent mark.
The person who asked if there is a 'casa' used the formal command form of 'perdonar'. You should not respond in informal language, and you should be using the command form. So, 'giras' and 'cruzas' (spelled correctly) need to be changed to the formal imperative.
When giving a direction, you insert 'a la' in front of 'izquierda' (which you didn't consistently spell correctly).
The word 'alli' takes an accent mark, every time it's used.
I'm not sure why you used the word 'sala' It seems out of place.
There needs to be an article between 'hay' and 'casa'.
The 'hay' just mentioned needs to be changed to another verb.


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145653)
Perdone,¿hay un piso "Sunder Srushti" care?
(same comments as before)
I don't know why you're using 'piso'. It seems out of place.

Si, hay una aqui en la calle "Suncity". Seguir adlente,alli una gasolinera,giras derecha,luego farmacia y supermercado alli un piso "sunder srushti"
Check 'si', 'aqui', 'adlente', 'alli'. All are misspelled.
The verb 'seguir' needs conjugated into the formal imperative, as does 'giras'.
When giving a direction, 'a la' must be inserted before 'derecha'.
You are missing the word 'hay' here and there.
You should use something else instead of 'luego'.
Your last sentence has no final punctuation.


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145653)
Soy vivo en "suncity".Suncity es mi barrio.Alli un grande supermercado.Lado de supermercado alli es un parque. Alli un plaza de tiendas.Hay un plaza es una officina de banco y cafeteria.Cerca de plaza una estacion de autobus. A mi me gusta mucho barrio.
The word 'soy' means 'I am'. 'Soy vivo' means "I am alive". I think you meant to say "I live". That's just 'vivo'.
You need to write spaces between the end of a sentence and the start of a new sentence.
Check 'alli', 'grande', 'un plaza', 'officina', 'cafeteria', 'estacion' and 'autobus'. They're misspelled.
You've omitted 'hay' in several places.
You need to add an article here and there.


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145653)
Also I wnat to know that when to use Hay?

'Hay' means 'there is' or 'there are'. When it begins a question, it means 'Is there' or 'Are there'.

Shreyabhat December 26, 2013 07:35 AM

I want to clear some thins.
I want to use word cerca in the place of cera.By mistake it is done.
"Rachana" is the name of the girl which is given to a building.
I used sala as the auditorium.
what is the corrcet spelling of 'si', 'aqui', 'adlente', 'alli'.
why we can't use 'luego' word

Rusty December 26, 2013 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Shreyabhat (Post 145724)
I want to clear up some things.
I wanted to use word cerca in the place of care. It was done by mistake it is done.
"Rachana" is the name of a girl which is given to a building.
I used sala as the auditorium.
What is the correct spelling of 'si', 'aqui', 'adlente', 'alli'?
Why can't I use the word 'luego' word?

'Cerca' is a good word to use. 'Care' made no sense.
If "Rachana" is the name of a building, it is a specific building and the indefinite article should not be used. You said it was a building in your explanation, but you used the word 'casa' (house) in your writing. Whichever one it is, the definite article should be used instead of the indefinite.

An auditorium is called 'un auditorio'. 'Una sala' is a hall.
You cannot 'cruzar un auditorio' without going through it (inside it). If your instructions mean to 'pass by the auditorium', you'll need another verb.

If you check a dictionary you'll find the answers to your questions about the proper spellings. 'Adlente' should be 'adelante'. The other words are missing an accent mark over a vowel. Using an accent mark is very important. If a vowel has an accent mark, and you don't use it, you have misspelled the word. In fact, you may be writing an entirely different word. For example, 'si' means 'if', not 'yes'. If you meant 'yes', it must be spelled with the accent mark. There is an 'Accents' drop-down menu above the 'Reply' box. You can use it to insert vowels with accent marks over them. You can also use it to insert the inverted question mark and other special characters that you need to use when typing in Spanish. :)

Because you suspect that the "Rachana" house/building is nearby, you wouldn't use the verb 'hay' to ask about its whereabouts.
Perdone, ¿está cerca la casa "Rachana"?
-Sí, está en la calle ...

If you don't know where something is, the question is different.
Perdone, ¿dónde está el edificio "Rachana"?
-Está en la calle ...

'Luego' means 'later'. You're giving directions to a place and it sounds strange to say "later you'll see a ..." I would use "then you'll see a ..." That's a different word. You didn't use a verb or an article in your phrasing, like I just did in English. These words are expected in Spanish, just as they are in English.

Shreyabhat December 29, 2013 03:07 AM


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