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Jubilee October 22, 2009 05:42 AM

Pensar de v. pensar en
Can anyone illustrate/explain the difference between pensar en y pensar de

Huge thanks...

hermit October 22, 2009 06:10 AM

hi jubilee - basic examples of the difference might be: "?que piensas de esto?" = "what do you you think of this?"

"?en que piensas?" = "what are you thinking (of)?


AngelicaDeAlquezar October 22, 2009 09:32 AM

Some ideas on "pensar": :)

"Pensar que": Used to express one's thoughts.
Pienso que deberíamos usar más ejemplos para que quede claro.
I think we should use more examples so it will be clear.

Los niños pensaron que los llevaríamos al cine.
The children thought we would take them to the cinema.

¿Piensas que podemos comprar la nueva casa?
Do you think we can buy the new house?
"Pensar en": Used to say what you're thinking of.
Te veo distraído. ¿En qué o en quién piensas?
I see you distracted. What or whom are you thinking of?

Estoy pensando en vender mi casa.
I'm thinking about selling my home.
"Pensar algo de": Expresses your opinion on something or someone.
¿Qué piensas de Juan? ¿Crees que es buena persona?
What do you think of Juan? Do you think he's a good person?

No sabes lo que mi mamá piensa de mi novio. Lo detesta.
You don't know what my mom thinks about my boyfriend. She hates him.
"Pensar algo": Used to express a plan on something.
Pensamos cambiar los pisos. ¿Qué te parece?
We thought about changing the floors. What do you think?

¿Piensas ir al cine mañana?
Are you planning to go to the movies tomorrow?

Juan pensaba cerrar su negocio, pero cambió de opinión.
Juan was thinking about closing his business, but he changed his mind.

CrOtALiTo October 22, 2009 11:52 AM

I'm agree with Angelica's examples, already they are very close in the you need to know literally the sentences pensar and pensar de is that the second phrase has the de.

Therefore you can use them in this examples that I will write now.

Deberiamos pensar la situacion actual del país.

We should in the nowadays situation economic inside of the country.

Que podriamos pensar de esto.

What should we think about it?

I hope those examples can help you.

Jubilee October 24, 2009 04:24 AM

Muchas gracias

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