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andersqf July 13, 2015 01:10 PM

Simple Spanish with subtitles
I am trying to learn Spanish. I am a beginner but when I read I can get a rough idea about the contents. It is very difficult to understand when I listen. So I wonder if you can recomend some site where I can both listen while at the same time I can read the text as subtitle. I saw recomendations of telenovas but I would like to start with something simpler, something that concentrates on pronunciation, something not too fast. Maybe a news site. Perhaps both a European site and a Latin American to get used to both.

amyeme6414 July 18, 2015 06:49 AM

There is a website that could be perfect for your situation, called News in Slow Spanish. Perhaps this is what you are looking for?

andersqf July 19, 2015 09:12 AM

Thank you but I was hoping for some video clips presented with subtitles. Still, if it had been free, I would have tried it. Looks like it's difficult to find, maybe some program for children could do.

Mozzo July 19, 2015 08:14 PM

There are public domain readings for familiar tales like Aesop's fables, ancient Greek legends, Biblical passages, etc. By knowing the outline of the story at the outset, you can follow the gist of things and fit the meanings of many new words into your own pre-cast mental holes. You'll also get better at spotting cognates between the languages.

Do google searches for "Audio Cuentos" and there are many sites that can be helpful.

As for children's material - it can be helpful, but I often find that it is full of squeaky voices and distracting sound effects. And it may be paced quickly to keep a child's attention. Vocabulary can be surprisingly complex, too. After all, the typical 4 year old already knows a few thousand words.

Also, you can create your own Spanish audio, if you have some text that you want to practice listening to.
Although it sounds mechanical, it's not bad for a free tool, and you can vary the pace of the dialogue. The best thing about computers reading for you - is that they are very patient, and won't get annoyed with you for asking to repeat again and again. :)
There's also this site. More voices are available, although you can't vary the speed. The "Spanish US Rosa" voice is not too fast, though.

andersqf July 20, 2015 04:27 AM

Thanks. I'm a bit busy right now but I'll try both.

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