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CrOtALiTo June 20, 2008 01:35 PM

Girl Murder on Irak
Hi, Friends.

Last night, I was surfing on the internet, and, I found a video, about a girl murder on irak, is some horrible, 'cause I don't know the people are evil, specially in that contries, the people killed to the girl because fall in love of a kudish boy, but her family weren't all right with that relation, later her family in front of 2.000 People, they stared to stone her, until of the dead, the video is some horrible, I want understand it. Why the people do it things so?, here on the post, I put the links of the videos made for a person from his cell phone on the moment of the murder.:mad:


http://www.expose-the-war-profiteers....htm#TheVideos search=#

I hope you all are well.

I await your corrections.

María José June 20, 2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo (Post 10905)
Hi, Friends.

Last night, I was surfing the internet, and, I found a video, about the murder of a girl in Irak,it is quite horrible, 'cause I didn't know people could be so evil, specially in those countries, the people killed the girl because she fell in love with a kudish boy, but her family didn't agree/were not happy with that relationship, later her family in front of 2.000 people stared to stone her, until she died, the video is horrible, I want to understand it. Why do people do such things ?, here in the post, I have put (included) the links of the videos made by a person from his cell phone at the moment of the murder.:mad:


http://www.expose-the-war-profiteers....htm#TheVideos search=#

I hope you all are well.

I await your corrections.

I hope my corrections are ok, sometimes I wasn't sure of your meaning.

Rusty June 20, 2008 04:04 PM

Here are some more corrections, in addition to those already given:

Hi Friends,

Last night, I was surfing the Internet and I found a video about a girl murdered in Iraq. It was quite horrible, 'cause I didn't know people could be so evil, especially in those countries. The people killed the girl because she fell in love with a Muslim (the girl was kurdish) boy, but her family wasn't all right with that relationship. Later, in front of 2,000 people, (men from) her family (and other men, possibly friends of the family,) started to stoned her to death. What happened in the video was horrible. I can't understand it. Why do people do such things? Here in the post I (have) included the links to the videos made by a person from his cell phone at the moment of the murder.:mad:

Alfonso June 21, 2008 09:12 AM

I'm sorry I don't want to watch that video. Between Il divo video and this one, I'd rather much better the first one. I know there is evil in people's heart, don't need another confirmation. What are you surprised about? Sure, this wasn't the only violent death in Iraq that day.

Elaina June 21, 2008 09:18 AM


Como vez, es mejor hacer correcciones que tratar de comprender lo que pasó en el video.

Lo que pasó en el video es horrible! Le doy gracias a Dios que vivo donde vivo y que no me tengo que preocupar por esas cosas. No hay país perfecto ni gobierno perfecto pero si tendría que escoger, me quedo donde estoy.

Nadie puede cambiar al mundo y el buscar la respuesta al ¿porqué? solo te llevará al mundo de otros ¿porqués? Uno solo puede cambiar a uno mismo. Vive tu vida bien. Trata a las personas como a tí te gustaría que te trataran y ofrecele una sonrisa a las personas que te encuentras en la calle. Si todos lo hicieramos, qué mundo tan diferente sería!


Jane June 21, 2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Elaina (Post 10938)

Nadie puede cambiar al mundo y el buscar la respuesta al ¿porqué? solo te llevará al mundo de otros ¿porqués? Uno solo puede cambiar a uno mismo. Vive tu vida bien. Trata a las personas como a tí te gustaría que te trataran y ofrecele una sonrisa a las personas que te encuentras en la calle. Si todos lo hicieramos, qué mundo tan diferente sería!


Well said, Elaina.:thumbsup::applause:

Insisto que la vida es bella, pero muy bella, pase lo que pase. Y no hay que entender todo lo que pase en nuestro alrededores, pero sí que podemos disfrutar de las cosas bueno que nos pasa y aprender de otros que quizá no sean tan buenos, así, mejoramos como personas y tendríamos un mundo aún mejor...

Alfonso June 21, 2008 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jane (Post 10961)
Well said, Elaina.:thumbsup::applause:

Insisto (en) que la vida es bella, pero muy bella, pase lo que pase. Y no hay que entender todo lo que pase a nuestro alrededores, pero sí que podemos disfrutar de las cosas buenas que nos pasan y aprender de otras que quizá no sean tan buenas, así, mejoraremos como personas y tendremos un mundo aun mejor...

Hey, Jane, your Spanish is great. Good for the subjunctive!
By the way, I think it's OK if you like to be pleasured by life. But even better if you try to change things. ;)

Jane June 21, 2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Alfonso (Post 10964)
Hey, Jane, your Spanish is great. Good for the subjunctive!
By the way, I think it's OK if you like to be pleasured by life. But even better if you try to change things. ;)

Who would have guessed...?
I agree with what you say about change, I also believe that change should start from within.


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Alfonso June 21, 2008 03:58 PM

Oh, no, Jane, we're not talking about the same things. I didn't say anything about God nor about to begin changing my inside, which doesn't make any sense to me.
I said to change things. Real things.
And I really don't mind what a theologian can say about this. We have different interests.
BTW, your intentions are great, but I don't think praying will be enough.

Jane June 21, 2008 04:09 PM

Alfonso, we´re all entitiled to our opinions and it doesn´t necessarily have to make sense to you...
I was only sharing. You may or may not agree with it.

I didn´t say anything about you changing your inside, I think you´re great the way you are, at least for now...:)

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