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Michael30000 March 29, 2024 04:52 AM

Solo habrá algunas actividades
Hola a todos,

La frase en cuestión es del libro Cuenta contigo de Patricia Ramírez Loeffler.

"Fantasear con el futuro también puede llenarnos de ilusión y motivación. Esta no es una lista de lo que tienes que hacer hoy. Es una lista de sueños por cumplir. No te agobies con los plazos. Solo habrá algunas actividades a las que puedas ponerles fecha. Pero no dejes nunca de soñar."

Does "habrá" imply the simple future or is it used to imply probability, i.e. "habrá algunas actividades" means here "probably/perhaps there are (or there will be) some activities"?

poli March 29, 2024 05:38 AM

Its a matter of context. Most likely, it's the simple future. As you mentioned, I have heard habráto convey, it could be that.

Michael30000 March 29, 2024 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by poli (Post 187363)
Its a matter of context. Most likely, it's the simple future. As you mentioned, I have heard habráto convey, it could be that.

Thank you, poli!

AngelicaDeAlquezar March 29, 2024 09:52 PM

I agree with Poli. It's simple future.
The sentence means that you will be able to set a date to get a goal accomplished, but most of them will depend on things that you can't control, so it's hard to say when those dreams will come true. :)

When you use the future to express a possibility, it's mostly when you're guessing:
-No sé por qué está la puerta abierta. Me habré descuidado al salir.
I don't know why the door is open. I must have got distracted when going out.
-No ha venido Pedro. Será que le pasó algo en el camino.
Pedro hasn't come. Maybe something happened to him on his way here.
-Algo le estará pasando a Laura, que no habla con nadie.
Something must be wrong with Laura, she's not talking to anyone.

Michael30000 March 30, 2024 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar (Post 187365)
I agree with Poli. It's simple future.
The sentence means that you will be able to set a date to get a goal accomplished, but most of them will depend on things that you can't control, so it's hard to say when those dreams will come true. :)

When you use the future to express a possibility, it's mostly when you're guessing:
-No sé por qué está la puerta abierta. Me habré descuidado al salir.
I don't know why the door is open. I must have got distracted when going out.
-No ha venido Pedro. Será que le pasó algo en el camino.
Pedro hasn't come. Maybe something happened to him on his way here.
-Algo le estará pasando a Laura, que no habla con nadie.
Something must be wrong with Laura, she's not talking to anyone.

Thank you very much, Angelica!

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