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saelakristo August 28, 2018 06:24 PM

Would someone translate this text for me ?
I really need it

From Spanish to English

¿Qué hay más imponente que la soberbia del pansamiento flotando sobre las cosas y descendiendo de vez en cuando entre ellas con inspirada maldad? Un espíritu ansioso de aventuras es indómito y cínico, siempre está vacilante y burlón. Nos elevamos gracias a la inmensa hiel que horada los aspectos envenena las apariencias, para saborear su descomposición y despojarlos de una vana fascinación. El conocimiento se convierte en empresa y acción, en pasiones de hiena filosófica y en delirios lúcidos de chacal. De pronto, detienes el vuelo y te dejas caer en picado con las alas plegadas para clavar tus garras en lo real que subyace en ti. El espíritu es águila y serpiente, uñas y veneno. Los rincones que hayan podido quedar en las cosas representan un interrogante para la profundidad del espíritu. Los instintos del ave de rapiña se revelan en el conocimiento Quieres dominarlo todo, hacerlo tuyo, y si no es tuyo lo haces pedazos. ¿Cómo iba a escapársete algo si tu sed de infinito traspasa las bóvedas y tu orgullo erige un arco iris sobre la catástrofe de las ideas?

E.M. Cioran

AngelicaDeAlquezar August 28, 2018 07:53 PM

Sorry. Tomísimo is a language learning community, not a free translation service.
If you're using this text for your learning, please post your own proposal for translation first, without the use of online translators, and we will be happy to help you with corrections if needed. :)

Rusty August 28, 2018 08:43 PM

Adding to what was said, if translating this paragraph happens to be your homework, we certainly won't do your homework for you.

There is one misspelled word in the paragraph, and you're missing a period between 'conocimiento Quieres'. If these two things are fixed, a machine translation might be obtained (if you can't come up with your own translation).

saelakristo August 28, 2018 11:28 PM

What is more imposing than the pride of thought floating on things and descending from time to time between them with inspired evil? An anxious spirit of adventure is indomitable and cynical, always hesitant and mocking. We rise thanks to the immense gall that pierces the aspects poisons appearances, to savor their decomposition and deprive them of a vain fascination. Knowledge becomes business and action, philosophical hyena passions and delusions of jackal lucid. Suddenly, you stop the flight and you plummet with folded wings to drive your claws into the real thing that underlies you. The spirit is eagle and serpent, nails and poison. The corners that may have remained in things represent a question for the depth of the spirit. The instincts of the bird of prey are revealed in knowledge. You want to dominate everything, make it your own, and if it's not yours, you make it fragments. How would something escape if your thirst for infinity pierces the vaults and your pride erects a rainbow over the catastrophe of ideas?

Thank you very much, well i dont want people to do my homework but i would like to know if this is a correct translation

Rusty August 29, 2018 02:21 AM

Several problems exist in the translation, but it could be because the author used a lot of abstracts. This, I think, presents great difficulty when trying to translate!
The book containing the paragraph was originally written in Romanian and, because of abstract ideas and pessimism, I don't exactly trust the Spanish translation.
Even creating an English translation would be very difficult!

Because I haven't a clue where the author's mind was when he penned the abstract ideas, take my comments with a grain of salt.

"immense gall that pierces the aspects poisons appearances" is lacking a comma (just like the Spanish translation, which I overlooked previously). Add a comma between 'aspects' and 'poisons'.
"philosophical hyena passions and delusions of jackal lucid" doesn't work. It should be "philosophical hyena passions and lucid jackal delusions."
"you stop the flight and you plummet with folded wings" should be something like "you stop flying and allow yourself to plummet with your wings pressed tight."
"claws into the real thing that underlies you" should be something like "claws into what really lurks within (inside you)."
"The spirit is eagle and serpent ..." strikes me as unfinished, but it may be phrasing that I'm not aware of. I would say, "The spirit is both eagle and serpent, talons and venom."
"represent a question for the depth of the spirit" should be "represent an unanswered question for the depths of the spirit."
"You want to dominate everything, make it your own, and if it's not yours, you make it fragments" should be "You want to master everything, make it your own, and if it's not yours, you rip it to shreds."
"How would something escape if ..." should be "How would something escape you if ..."
My best guess for the last part-your pride erects a rainbow over the catastrophe of ideas- is "your pride throws up/paints a rainbow over/above your catastrophe of ideas."

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