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cmon February 27, 2009 01:52 PM

We are bored because she is boring to be with.
Estamos aburridos porque ella es aburrida/su compañía es aburrida.

She is a good girl because she is attentive when someone is speaking.
Ella es una chica buena porque está buena cuando alguien está hablando.

If she didn't think that she was so clever I would be ready to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Si ella no creyera que era tan lista, yo estaría listo darle el beneficio de la duda.

He is ill today because he was bad yesterday.
Él está malo hoy porque era malo ayer.

I know that you are proud but I believe that you are also conceited.
Sé que estás orgulloso pero creo que tambien eres orgulloso.

She is normally pale-complexioned but she was even paler after hearing the bad news.
Normalmente, ella es palida pero estaba más palida después de oir las noticas malas.

We are rich enough to afford tasty and expensive meals.
Somos suficientmentes ricos que pueden permitirnos las comidas que están ricas y caras.

Are you sure that they are safe?
Estás seguro que son seguros?

She is not old, she only looks old because she refuses to take care of herself.
Ella no es vieja, solo está vieja porque niega cuidar de sí misma/niega cuidarse.

It's good that we are alive because we are too lively to be dead.
Es buen que estemos vivos porque somos demasiados vivos estar muerto.

AngelicaDeAlquezar February 27, 2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by cmon (Post 27405)
We are bored because she is boring to be with.
Estamos aburridos porque ella es aburrida/su compañía es aburrida.:good:

She is a good girl because she is attentive when someone is speaking.
Ella es una chica buena porque está buena atenta cuando alguien está hablando.

If she didn't think that she was so clever I would be ready to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Si ella no creyera que era es tan lista, yo estaría listo para darle el beneficio de la duda.
It could also be "Si ella no se creyera tan lista..."

He is ill today because he was bad yesterday.
Él está malo ("enfermo" would sound better) hoy porque era fue malo ayer.

I know that you are proud but I believe that you are also conceited.
Sé que estás orgulloso pero creo que también eres orgulloso.

She is normally pale-complexioned but she was even paler after hearing the bad news.
Normalmente, ella es pálida pero estaba más pálida después de oír las malas noticias malas.
("Buenas noticias", "malas noticias"... "bueno" and "malo" often come before the substantive)

We are rich enough to afford tasty and expensive meals.
Somos suficientmentes ricos que pueden para permitirnos (las) comidas que están son ricas y caras.
"La comida está rica" is used for a specific meal, but in this case is more general, so the kind of meals that are always tasty and expensive are referred to with the verb "ser".

Are you sure that they are safe?
Estás seguro que son seguros?:good:

She is not old, she only looks old because she refuses to take care of herself.
Ella no es vieja, solo está parece vieja porque se niega a cuidar de sí misma/se niega a cuidarse.

It's good that we are alive because we are too lively to be dead.
Es bueno que estemos vivos porque somos demasiados vivos para estar muertos.

Nice sentences and word games. :)

Suggestions and corrections above.

cmon February 28, 2009 08:09 AM

Thanks much, been studying how the choice of ser or estar affects the meaning of adjectives.
Book says estar bueno/a=to be attentive (in class) Is it ever used that way? Same for estar viejo/a=to look old.

Bet Laepelba's eyes will light up when she sees all the para's I forgot!

AngelicaDeAlquezar February 28, 2009 11:54 AM

I have never heard "estar bueno" as a synonym of being attentive.
In colloquial language, "estar bueno(a)" is to have a nice body...

As for "estar viejo" it means exactly "to be old"... "parecer viejo" is "to look old".

"Para" is a tricky preposition sometimes... It will also be a good exercise for her. :D

Tomisimo February 28, 2009 11:58 AM

Another use of "estar bueno" would be:

el mango está bueno / podrido = the mango is good / rotten
la comida está buena / insípida = the food is good / bland

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