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Jessica October 20, 2008 07:15 PM

¿Cómo se dice "9th grader" en español?
How would you say "9th grader" in Spanish? :confused:

Planet hopper October 20, 2008 10:10 PM

There is no ninth grade in Spanish education system. It works like this:

Primaria (el cole)

Primero, segundo, tercero....hasta sexto

Estoy en sexto de primaria

No need to say

Estoy en sexto curso de primaria

But possible and grammatical.

Secundaria is called 'ESO' Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

Primero de ESO (age 12)

Cuarto de ESO (Age 16)

Then we have bachillerato, baccalaurate, 2 years.

Primero de Bachillerato, segundo.

In Ireland, a ninth grader is a kid aged 15, matching the Spanish 'Estoy en tercero de ESO'

Jessica October 21, 2008 05:47 AM

Thanks :) :)

Tomisimo October 21, 2008 08:04 AM

In Mexico it's very similar to Spain, and works like this:


Grade (Mexico)
Primero de primaria
Segundo de primaria
Tercero de primaria
Cuarto de primaria
Quinto de primaria
Sexto de primaria
Primero de secundaria
Segundo de secundaria
Tercero de secundaria
Primero y Segundo de prepa(ratoria) (La prepa va por semestres)
Tercero y Cuarto de prepa
Quinto y Sexto de prepa.

Grade (US)
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
Twelfth Grade

So something similar to "I'm in 9th grade" would be "Voy en tercero de secundaria".

If you want to be more specific, remember that primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto etc., aren't referring to grades (grados)-- they refer to the year (for primaria y secundaria): "Voy en tercero de secundaria" = "Voy en tercer año de secundaria". For the prepa, the ordinal numbers refer to the semester you're in. So "cuarto de prepa" would be the second half of 11th grade.

Cubanboy January 13, 2009 09:18 AM

Quiero aportar algo a este hilo en caso de que a alguien le interese. En Cuba, ''9th grader'' se refiere a un estudiante de noveno grado. Por otra parte, en vez de preparatoria decimos ''preuniversitario''.

Saludos a todos.

CrOtALiTo January 13, 2009 09:31 AM

Jchen, you are studying in the university, Mexico on does not exist the ninth grade, my country on only exits the El prescolar, Primaria 1,2,2,4,5,6 Sixth grade, and later the kid continue with the junior high school, (Secondary) Secundaria 1,2,3 grade, later continue with the high school (Preparatory) preparatoria in this school or kind of educational system are separated in semester for example first semester of high school, it's is around of three months, and well so you continue the beside semesters, and finally you have arrived to the university, similar that the high school the university is divide as the high school in semesters.

Later you will be ready for find a job.

lee ying January 13, 2009 10:20 AM

yes, i´m in sixth semesters at univerity.
1er::first ,2do, second, 3er:third año de kinder: preescolar next:
1er: firts ,2do: second, 2er: third, 4to: fourth, 5to :fifth 6to:sixth:de primaria ana then:
1er:first,2do second,3er third. secundaria. and then.
the same : 1erfirst and second semester, ,2do third and fourth semester: and fifth ans sixth semester is area: you can choose different area whatever you want. quimica, ciencias sociales. fisico-matematico: theré are three area.In the university is only for semester.. do you understand me?
1er or 1ero: primer or primero de .kinder, or primaria or sencundaria or prepa,

Jessica January 13, 2009 01:05 PM

thanks again to all of you

Planet hopper January 13, 2009 06:49 PM

My two cents, I have two kids, 16 and 17, in the same grade. They would say: estoy en bachillerato (primero o segundo). Soy de bachillerato. Being 15 years, they would say: estoy en cuarto de secundaria.

Jessica January 13, 2009 07:44 PM

There was someone who was 14 and he's a junior. I am confused. I am a freshman. Is that the same thing as junior? I thought junior would be 11th grade, and freshman(for high school) 9th grade

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