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Bobbert February 08, 2018 02:01 PM

My Ears are Popping
I'm unsure how to say "my ears are popping." This sensation in the ear happens when there is a change in altitude when flying in a jet. I'm sure I'm going to need this sentence when I fly to Chile this fall.

Are any of these correct?

Se me están reventando los oídos
Se me están tapando los oídos
Se me están estallando los oídos
Tengo los oídos tapados

Any help is appreciated.

Rusty February 08, 2018 02:27 PM

People use different verbs, as you indicated, but the most popular are 'taparse' and 'destaparse'.
When your ears need to pop, you say, "Se me taparon los oídos."
When they pop, you say, "Se me destaparon los oídos."

To indicate that your ears are in the very process of popping (popping right now), use the present progressive. Otherwise, use the present tense to alert someone to your condition, or the past tense to describe what happened.

AngelicaDeAlquezar February 08, 2018 04:20 PM

I agree with Rusty.

I'd like to add a little comment though: "Se me están reventando los oídos" / "me están estallando los oídos" would mean they hurt really badly and this might be a very serious problem.

Bobbert February 09, 2018 10:45 PM

Thank you, Rusty and Angelica.

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