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Jessica September 30, 2008 05:52 AM

Do you like dogs? Any pets?
Do you like dogs? Do you have one?
I like dogs but my mom is a bit scared of them. She also thinks that they are messy and will easily break things. Having a dog will just add to the work we have to do. Cats too.
We have fish (some died) and 2 turtles. My older brother is the main owner of the mantis, several insects, and the silk moths.

ElDanés September 30, 2008 06:00 AM

I don't like pets. Animals are fine, but I don't want to take care of them.

Tomisimo September 30, 2008 08:06 AM

I don't mind animals either. And although I don't really have a need for pets, we have a little turtle. :)

geeper September 30, 2008 08:16 AM

Tenemos dos perros y tres gatos. Todos nuestros animales a mis hijos les pertenecer.

CrOtALiTo September 30, 2008 08:45 AM

[I]I've a dog, and my wife has a turtle, I hate the cats, I mind them because I hate the hair of the cats.

Rusty September 30, 2008 11:18 AM


Escrito originalmente por geeper (Mensaje 16430)
Tenemos dos perros y tres gatos. Todos nuestros animales pertenecen a mis hijos.

Corrections above. :)

Rusty September 30, 2008 11:28 AM


Escrito originalmente por CrOtALiTo (Mensaje 16436)
[i]I've a dog, and my wife has a turtle, I hate the cats, I mind them because I hate the hair of the cats.

I've a dog, and my wife has a turtle. :thumbsup:
I hate cats. (The word 'the' is not used when speaking in generalities.)
I don't like them because of their hair. (The phrase "I don't mind" is commonly used to mean "I'm not bothered by" or "I like." We seldom use the affirmative form of this phrase ("I mind"). Use a negative phrase, like "I don't like" instead.)

Are you allergic to cats, Crotalito? Is that why you said you don't like their hair? Or is it because you don't like them shedding? Does your dog shed?

CrOtALiTo September 30, 2008 12:52 PM

I'm not allergic to them but, either I don't like them, because I feel your hair in my nose when they brush off all their hair fly in the wind and fall down in my body or nose it's nasty.

I believe that never won't like them, I'm sorry for the people that likes the cast but, I can't do nothing in that.

I'm not bothered they.

I hate them. I have said.

Elaina September 30, 2008 12:56 PM

I like dogs and cats but I don't have any because they are a big responsibility and I don't have the time to take care of them.

I dislike having birds in cages.....I don't believe I would ever want one. Gold fish don't do anything, why have them? Turtles, snakes, spiders/tarantulas and other similar bugs/animals don't really make a pet because they don't do anything, so why have them?
Rats, mice, hamsters, ferrets, squirrels, etc. are rodents! Why in God's name would anyone, ever want to have one? UGH!!:yuck::crazy::duh:


CrOtALiTo September 30, 2008 01:04 PM

Yeah, I'm bothered spiders, they are very nasty, when I see a rat or spider, I kill them without think, either I don't like eat fish, jejeje, but anyway my wife loves eat fish, although I life in a place where there is sea and beaches, look, I like the dogs, hamsters, I believe that units animals I want, because if I see a cat or spider, I'm going to my house by a box and later I will put them inside of the box and I will give the animals to a veterinary.

Oh god please Why does has that exist the cast and spiders? Why? you tell me Why.?

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