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DailyWord October 14, 2008 03:16 AM

This is a discussion thread for the Daily Spanish Word for October 14, 2008

maleta - feminine noun (la) - suitcase, trunk, valise. Look up maleta in the dictionary

¡Hagan sus maletas porque vamos de vacaciones!
Pack your suitcases because we're going on vacation!

Elaina October 14, 2008 11:29 AM

There was a question in a magazine that I was reading and it asked:

Why are there stores that sell suitcases in the airport?

¿Porqué hay tiendas en el aeropuerto que venden maletas?

Its not like people rush to the airport with their clothes in their hands wanting to buy a suitcase at the airport!

¡No es como si la gente corriera al aeropuerto con su ropa en la mano queriendo comprar una maleta en el aeropuerto!


Rusty October 14, 2008 11:44 AM

Those stores make a living off replacing someone's damaged or lost luggage! In the latter case, they sell the clothes to fill the suitcases, too. :D

sosia October 15, 2008 12:28 AM

Agree with Rusty :D
And also, sometimes they buy many things in the airport and need another suitcase.

Elaina October 15, 2008 11:06 AM

Not to be a stick in the mud but if you lose your luggage you don't have any more clothes to put in it so why buy one.


Buying things in the airport is soooo expensive but if you must, you must, I guess.

Rusty October 15, 2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Elaina (Post 17221)
Not to be a stick in the mud but if you lose your luggage you don't have any more clothes to put in it so why buy one.


Buying things in the airport is soooo expensive but if you must, you must, I guess.

That is why I said that they also sell clothes.:)

Tomisimo October 15, 2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 17165)
Those stores make a living off replacing someone's damaged or lost luggage! In the latter case, they sell the clothes to fill the suitcases, too. :D

De ser posible, iría en taxi o transporte público al centro comercial más cercano para reemplazar mis pertenencias. Creo que saldría mucho más económico. :)

Rusty October 15, 2008 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tomisimo (Post 17239)
De ser posible, iría en taxi o transporte público al centro comercial más cercano para reemplazar mis pertenencias. Creo que saldría mucho más económico. :)

Seguro tienes razón. ;)

sosia October 16, 2008 12:42 AM

El seguro te paga la ropa "de emergencia" así que es más rápido hacerlo en el aeropuerto.
Además, normalmente no tienes mucho tiempo para ir de compras.
Saludos :D

Elaina October 16, 2008 07:39 PM

Si, pero si tomas en cuenta lo que te van a pagar -vs- lo que vale la ropa que vas a comprar en el aeropuerto creo que como quiera saldrías perdiendo.

Yo, como David.........mejor me voy a un centro comercial.


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