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ROBINDESBOIS August 05, 2009 06:39 PM

La Ley y los Delitos — Law and Crime
 Spanish  English 
 abogadoNM, abogadaNF  attorney 
 abogadoNM, abogadaNF  barrister 
 abogadoNM, abogadaNF  lawyer 
 abogadoNM, abogadaNF  sollicitor 
 absolverVT  to acquit 
 absueltoVP  acquited 
 acusadoNM  defendant 
 acusarV a alguien de algo  to accuse somebody of something 
 acusarV a alguien de asesinatoNM  to charge someone with murder 
 agresiónNF sexual a niñosNMP  child molestation 
 alcanzarV un veredictoNM  to reach a verdict 
 allanamientoNM de moradaNF  break-in 
 alunizaje  ram-raiding??? 
 andarV suelto  to be on the loose 
 antecedentesNMP penales  criminal record 
 apelarV  to appeal 
 arrestarV a alguien  to take someone into custody 
 asaltoNM  assault 
 asesinaNF  murderess 
 asesinatoNM sin premeditaciónNF  manslaguhter 
 asesinatoNM  murder 
 asesinoNM  murderer 
 ataqueNM con navajaNF  stabbing 
 atracoNM  hold-up 
 atracoNM  mugging 
 blanqueamientoNM de dineroNM  money laundering 
 calumniaNF  libel 
 carterismoNM  pickpocketing 
 chantajeNM  blackmail 
 coartadaNF  alibi 
 condenarV  to convict 
 convictoNM  convict 
 correccionalADJ  correctional 
 cuatrerismoNM  rustling 
 culpableADJ  guilty 
 cumplirV condenaNF  to serve a sentence 
 cárcelNF  jail 
 cómpliceNMF  accomplice 
 dañosNMP y perjuiciosNMP  damages 
 delitoNM grave  felony 
 delitoNM leve  petty crime 
 delitoNM  crime 
 delitosNMP y faltasNFP graves  crimes and offences 
 demandarV  to sue someone 
 desaparecerseV mientras bajo fianza???  to jump bail 
 disparoNM de armaNFEL  shooting 
 entradaNF en propiedadNF ajena sin autorizaciónNF  trespass 
 entre rejasNFP  behind bars 
 envenenamientoNM  poisoning 
 esposadoADJ  handcuffed 
 esposasNFP  handcuffs 
 estafaNF  shakedown 
 estarV en libertadNF condicional  to be out on parole 
 estarV libre bajo fianzaNF  to be out on bail 
 estarV libre bajo palabraNF  to be out on parole 
 evasiónNF de impuestosNMP  tax evasion 
 extorsiónNF  extortion 
 falsificaciónNF de dineroNM  counterfeiting 
 falsificaciónNF  forgery 
 falsoADJ  counterfeit 
 fiscalNM  prosecutor 
 fraudeNM  fraud 
 hurtoNM en tiendasNFP  shoplifting 
 incendiarismoNM piromanía ???  arson 
 incendiarismoNM  arson 
 juezNMF  judge 
 juicioNM  trial 
 juradoNM  jury 
 juzgadoNM  courthouse 
 leyNF  law 
 llevarV a alguien a los tribunalesNMP  to take someone to court 
 lograr pagar fianzaNF  to make bail 
 miembroNM del juradoNM  juror 
 non-guiltyADJ  no culpable 
 not-guiltyADJ  no culpable 
 pagar fianzaNF  to bail out 
 pagarle la fianzaNF para alguien  to bail someone out 
 parricidioNM  parricide 
 perjurioNM  perjury 
 pillajeNM  looting 
 pirateríaNF  piracy 
 poner a alguien en libertadNF provisional  to be put on probation 
 presoNM, presaNF  inmate 
 presunta asesinaNF  alleged murderess 
 presunto asesinoNM  alleged murderer 
 prisiónNF  prison 
 recibir libertadNF bajo palabraNF  to be paroled 
 recibir libertadNF condicional  to be paroled 
 recurrir  to appeal 
 rehusar fianzaNF  to refuse bail 
 reincidente  repeat offender 
 rescate  ransom 
 robar (se hace al reportar menos de lo que realmente se ganó)  skimming 
 robo con arma  armed robbery 
 robo de animales en una granja  rustling 
 robo de coche a punta armada  carjacking 
 robo de identidad  identity theft 
 robo en domicilio particular  burglary 
 robo  theft 
 secuestro con rescate  kidnapping for ransom 
 secuestro de avión  hijack 
 secuestro  kidnapping 
 ser pagada la fianza  to be bailed out 
 ser pagada la fianza  to get bailed out 
 ser sentenciado a cadena perpetua  to be sentenced to life prison 
 ser sentenciado con pena de muerte  to be sentenced to death 
 soborno  bribery 
 soltar a alguien  to release someone 
 terrosimo  terrorism 
 timo  shakedown 
 traición  treason 
 tras de las rejas  behind bars 
 veredicto  verdict 
 violación  rape 

ROBINDESBOIS August 05, 2009 06:43 PM

and yet more.......
Tomissimo, i´m sure you´ll do a good job, reorganizing everything and dividing it. Thanks. I think it is a very interesting topic, since crime and the law is a very current issue ( Unfortunately)

EmpanadaRica August 06, 2009 01:47 AM

Interesting list Robin, I'll be sure to work on my CSI and Law and Order Vocab.. :D :thumbsup: (Hope I won' t need it though :worried: )

Just a remark/ question - Maybe some of the native English speakers can
verify this?

" to be bailed out "

As far as I know is often used more in 'normal' situation, i.e. not related to crime (though it will depend on your definition of crime.. :D) usually when someone is getting you out of a tricky or difficult situation (though not necessarily jail related), often as a favour.

One friend to another:
' Man I'm so swamped with work there is no way I can make it to Laura' s party to help her like I promised'
Other friend:
' Don't worry, I'll go instead and I'll bail you out'.

' I bailed you out last Wednesday saying to your girlfriend you were at my place when you were in fact with Cindy.. now it' s your turn..'

There' s also ' to bail (out) on someone'.
This means letting someone down, standing someone up. For example:

' You set you would come with me to that boring meeting from work, and now on you' re bailing (out) on me'
(adding 'out' I believe is not obligatory).

' My friend said he would pick me up at 9 but he bailed on me, so I guess I need to get there on my own'.


bail out, make a parachute jump from an airplane. relieve or assist (a person, company, etc.) in an emergency situation, esp. a financial crisis: The corporation bailed out its failing subsidiary through a series of refinancing operations. give up on or abandon something, as to evade a responsibility: His partner bailed out before the business failed.

For actually getting someone out of jail, I believe the term ' making bail' is often used.

" I couldn' t go home for Christmas this year because I didn't make bail'


make bail
Put up security as an assurance that someone released from prison will appear for trial, as in He didn't think he could make bail for his brother.

Being out on bail, in fact does mean you have been bailed out (literally.. :D).

In addition to this there are also these two:


go or stand bail for, to provide bail for: They spent the night in jail because no one would stand bail for them.
jump bail, to abscond while free on bail: The suspect jumped bail and is now being sought.
Finally not so sure who would refuse bail? ;)
I think maybe more logical would be: ' To be refused bail' i.e. to be denied bail..?

Maybe one of the native speakers can say whether 'to bail out' is also used in the jail/ incarceration terms a lot, similar to ' to make bail' ? :)

Somebody bail me out here.. :D

EmpanadaRica August 06, 2009 01:54 AM

Also in addition to ' to be paroled' :

' To be out on parole'. :)


(out) on parole
out of prison, conditionally, before one's total sentence is served. Bob was caught using drugs while out on parole and was sent back to prison. He has to be careful and obey the law because he is out on parole.

chileno August 06, 2009 07:49 AM

to be paroled = libertad condicional o libre bajo palabra

to be bail out = pagar fianza

to refuse bail = rehusar fianza

to be out on bail = libre bajo fianza

to appeal = recurrir o apelar

arson= incendiarismo piromanía

skimming = robar (se hace al reportar menos de lo que realmente se ganó)

ROBINDESBOIS August 06, 2009 09:21 AM

malversación de fondos
inernamiento de menores
asesinato en primer grado
centro de integración social
cumplir ´condena en régimen abierto

chileno August 06, 2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS (Post 45047)
malversación de fondos ???

No exactamente porque este término se aplica a fondos públicos, en cambio skimming se aplica a cualquier negocio, lícito o ilícito donde no se reporta todas las ganacias.

To skim = desnatar :-)

ROBINDESBOIS August 06, 2009 09:32 AM

cohecho = bribery
malversación de fondos = embezzlement
prisión condicional = conditional inprisonment
carcel de mujeres = women´s prison
delito fiscal = tax offence
centro de internamiento de menores = juvenile detention facility
centro de integración social = Open prison
cumplimiento de condena en régimen abierto = to serve sentence in semi-closed regime or in an open regime.
preso de tercer grado = 3rd degree prisoner
asesinato en primer grado = 1st degree murder
notario = notary = solicitor (UK)
evasión de impuestos = tax evation
silla eléctrica = electric chair
electrocutar = to fry, to electrocute
condenado = indicted
acusado = indicted
pruebas presentadas = evidence presented
testigo = witness
testigo ocular = eye-witness
caso =case
victima = victim
un caso de violación = a rape case
violador = rapist
corrupcion = corruption
arresto domiciliario = house arrest
guilty on all charges = culpable de todos cargos
estar en libertad condicional = to be on probation
si el caso va a juicio = if the case goes to trial
está siendo procesado por asesinato = he´s on trial for murder
ser procesado/juzgado = to stand trial
está a la espera de ser procesada = she is awaiting trial
juzgar a alguien con imparcialidad = to give somebody a fair trial
proceso = trial
tortura =torture
bigamia =bigamy
conspiración =conspiracy
espiaonaje =espionage
falsificación de documentos = forgery
genocidio =genocide
homicidio = homocide
contrabando = smuggling
calumnia, difamación = slander
tráfico de drogas = drug trafficking

chileno August 06, 2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by ROBINDESBOIS (Post 45050)
cohecho = bribery
malversación de fondos = embezzlement
prisión condicional
carcel de mujeres
delito fiscal = fiscal offense
centro de internamiento de menores
centro de integración social
cumplimiento de condena en régimen abierto
preso de tercer grado
asesinato en primer grado = first degree murder

Centro de internamiento para menores no me puedo acordar en este momento...

Tomisimo August 06, 2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by chileno (Post 45055)
Centro de internamiento para menores no me puedo acordar en este momento...

Juvenile detention facility?

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