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sosia June 15, 2007 10:54 AM

Moon River
"Moon River"
music by Henry Mancini, lyrics by Johnny Mercer

Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.

© 1961 Paramount Music Corporation, ASCAP

this song it's our "canción de pareja" (couple's song?? our song??)

I try to find an accurate translation, it doesn't matter the entonation.
Saying Moon River, Río Moon, río de luna ó Río lunar it'd not important.
I have marked the difficult points in bold.
Here it goes

Río Moon, más ancho que una milla, (más de una milla de ancho)
algún día te cruzaré a lo grande. (a la moda??)
Oh, fabricante de sueños, tú, rompecorazones,
donde quiera que vayas iré contigo. Adondequiera que vayas,yo sigo tu camino

Dos vagabundos que salen a ver el mundo,
hay un montón de mundo para ver. Hay tanto mundo para ver
Estamos persiguiendo el mismo final del arco iris,
esperando en la curva,
mi amigo Hucleberry, el río Moon y yo.
mi fiel amigo, el río de luna y yo.

celador June 15, 2007 11:48 AM

in style elegancia o estilo "classy" meaning in a fancy fashion in that context. My poetic pick would be estilo

el viajar ( a través) en estilo un cierto día
It means in a real boat someday, instead of the handmade raft that the "Tom Sawyer" boys were using then.

Espero alrededor de la rio curvo, / I wait around the curve/corner (river bend)

It is a river song, the "bend" in the river is common poetic imagery, a wide arc, vs a "corner" Entiende? You might know a better translation for that concept.

para mi amigo, Huckleberry / for my friend, Huckleberry. (Huck Fin, Huck is an English nick name for Howard) Huckleberry would be a more endearing version... Like my little pumpkin. lol

additionally huckleberry because of this story has come to mean colloquially, the ideal .. the perfect choice. "the very huckleberry" I am your Huckleberry!

P.S. Yo esperando para mí amigo, Huckleberry tambien. :)

hypnotik1 June 15, 2007 12:58 PM

Huckleberry Finn is a character from a novel by Mark Twain called The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. I think it's reference in this song is that Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer rode down the Mississippi River on a raft, if I remember the story correctly. Maybe singer and his friend are going down the river, like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn did.

sosia June 16, 2007 08:16 AM

Thanks celador, hypnotik:D :D
when "in style" implies "in a fancy fashion", I don't know a good spanish translation. The "a lo grande" it's not a bad alternative (a lo grande: Con abundancia de medios, Con exceso o lujo).

Tracing the Huckleberry - Mississipi form hypnotik, Wikipedia says the Moon river it's the Mississipi
"Moon River" from the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany's refers to the Mississippi River.
Actually, in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR's "Fresh Air," Mercer explains the origin of the phrase. In his childhood, Mercer would go collect huckleberries with friends along the river, thus it is a nostalgic reference and nothing more.
So my huckleberry friend,Moon River and me. can be translated literally as "Mi amigo con el que recolectaba, el Mississipi y yo" pero de un modo general como "mi fiel/querido amigo, el río de luna y yo." I like Huckleberry Finn, so I will go with the fiel option (huckleberry friend: faithful pal)

I will use the common poetic imagery from celador and translate "waiting 'round the bend" as "que nos espera tras el recodo" (other options: nos espera tras la curva, nos espera a la vuetla de la curva)

so I will leave it so.

Moon River, más ancho que una milla,
algún día te cruzaré a lo grande.
Oh, fabricante de sueños, tú, rompecorazones,
donde quiera que vayas iré contigo.
(literal: Adondequiera que vayas,yo sigo tu camino)

Dos vagabundos que salen a ver el mundo,
hay tanto mundo para ver.
Estamos persiguiendo el mismo final del arco iris,
que nos espera tras el recodo,
mi fiel amigo, Moon River y yo.

Thanks for your help, celador and hypnotik

rguy98 May 19, 2023 10:40 AM

One minor item and one huge one.
The minor item - "Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker," refers to the other person in the couple that is both a deam maker and heartbreaker.
It should probably be 'Oh, tú, fabricante de sueños, rompecorazones,'

The really big one -
The river is a metaphor for the relationship. The name of the river itself, Moon River, is very significant.
The idea that the river reflects the moon and indeed the universe itself should be preserved in the translation.

Like Rio Negro or Rio Rojo the name speaks to the nature of the river itself, in this case a river in which you can view the moon,
The river name itself caries the ideas of beauty, radiance, tranquility, introspection, contemplation, self-reflection, the search for deeper meaning, waxing and waning, romance, and mystery.

I would suggest this can only be translated to Rio Luna.

Rio Luna, más ancho que una milla,
algún día te cruzaré a lo grande.
Oh, tú, fabricante de sueños, rompecorazones,
donde quiera que vayas iré contigo.

Dos vagabundos que salen a ver el mundo,
hay tanto mundo para ver.
Estamos persiguiendo el mismo final del arco iris,
que nos espera tras el recodo,
mi fiel amigo, Rio Luna y yo.

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