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rpgray June 14, 2010 01:28 PM

Best Spanish Keyboards for North America?

I live in the United States and would like to buy a keyboard that has premade keyes ready for Spanish characters that are not commonly used in English.

Do you have any recommendations?



wafflestomp June 14, 2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by rpgray (Post 86524)

I live in the United States and would like to buy a keyboard that has premade keyes ready for Spanish characters that are not commonly used in English.

Do you have any recommendations?



I suggest using the US International Keyboard setup that comes preinstalled with Windows. "" those are the instructions on how to activate it.

It's what I use and at first it's annoying but eventually you get used to it... I love it personally it's great.

Tarential June 15, 2010 05:49 PM

I don't know if anyone else might be interested in this, but I type on the Dvorak keyboard layout. There is a Dvorak-international version but it is far too complex for just Spanish, so I created my own version of it for use with X11/xkb. It is just the regular Dvorak keyboard layout using AltGr for Spanish diacritic marks (acute accent above aoeui, tilde above n) and the reversal of the exclamation/question marks.

You can download the keyboard layout map here:

Move it to /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us or /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us (depending on your distribution).

I hope this helps at least one other person because frankly it was a headache to figure out how to do it (most of the tutorials available are extremely out of date).

Vikingo June 15, 2010 06:23 PM

I made this about a year ago, after having tried different options for Windows, including the US international keyboard, which didn't suit my needs. The (somewhat succinct) instructions appear when you run it, and you'll have your Spanish symbols within 10 seconds from clicking.

It's what I use personally, but like Tarential, I like to be as effective as I can... heh heh.. did you know that Colemak is the new Dvorak, Tarential? Just half-kidding, but my program works with any keyboard layout.

CrOtALiTo June 15, 2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by rpgray (Post 86524)

I live in the United States and would like to buy a keyboard that has premade keyes ready for Spanish characters that are not commonly used in English.

Do you have any recommendations?



You only need install the software from ( Control Panel in the regional and language options ) there you will can change the keyboard configuration and so you can choice the language of the keyboard that you need installed in your computer.

I hope this information can be useful for you.

Chris July 07, 2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by rpgray (Post 86524)

I live in the United States and would like to buy a keyboard that has premade keyes ready for Spanish characters that are not commonly used in English.

Do you have any recommendations?




Originally Posted by wafflestomp (Post 86577)
I suggest using the US International Keyboard setup that comes preinstalled with Windows. "" those are the instructions on how to activate it.

It's what I use and at first it's annoying but eventually you get used to it... I love it personally it's great.

This is what I use. It's pretty easy, only requiring a little time to learn it.

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