Thread: Medical...
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Old May 17, 2011, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by duaa View Post
Even though one of my majors is spanish my uni does not offer any classes in anything besides lit and linguistics(i am in a top ten school and they still do not have anything!).
Good. A university isn't supposed to be about vocational training.

Take the Spanish lit classes, and try to discuss the material in Spanish with your coursemates and whatever tutorial staff there are. Your university probably has an Hispanic Society: join it, and get involved - I'd even suggest running for a committee post doing something like event organisation.

To focus specifically on the translation side of things, first look for summer courses. Second, do translation. Get the DVDs of a medical TV series which has interactions between doctors and patients (House? I haven't seen it...) and play them through, pausing every sentence to translate. Then when you're getting the hang of it, pause every two sentences. (In real life, when doing non-simultaneous translation, you often have to tap someone on the arm to remind them that they're supposed to let you translate).
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