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Old July 30, 2011, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Nivar View Post
Just some thoughts about the text that you have written:

Colombus discovered America in 1492, probing partially (Juan Sebastián Elcano was the first to circunnnavigate the Earth), that we live in a globe. How can you state that Protestants who started their kick off in 1517 and darwinists who are XIX century sons be responsible for hidding the true?:
Nivar, perhaps my explanation was a bit quick, I did not intend to say that Protestants and darwinists, during the age of Columbus, were asserting that the earth was flat, or that is was round; as you pointed out, Protestants and darwinists didn't even exist when Columbus's ships sailed out.

I meant that protestants and darwinists, centuries later, claimed that before Columbus the Catholic church spread the belief that the earth was flat. Recently many historians, in particular Jeffrey Burton Russell, demonstrated that this wasn't true and was only a pretext for attacking the Catholic church.

Thanks for the suggestions!
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