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Old October 18, 2011, 11:00 AM
Ahuizote Ahuizote is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 12
Ahuizote is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar View Post
@Sosia: Exactly.

@Ahuizote: The fact that profanities can be heard everywhere all the time, does not mean they are appropriate language. Spanish learners must always be aware of what they are learning.
Angelical Angélica, believe me I'm one of the very few guys that get mad for the unnecassary use of the bad words in the media, because already I'm sick to hear them (and use them) in the streets everyday.
But either we like it or not, such words and the always updating slang are part of the vocabulary that the people should know.
Would you like to have tourists being fooled by brats,jokers and liars who use the double sense?
In Spain you hear often "c...ño" and "cojones" ,wich sound even worse than the "mother" issues.
In my country,it turns out that some correct words became bad. We have that "mendigo" was changed to "méndigo", and suddenly became a bad word.
It turns out that the male goat "cabrón" suddenly came to be a bad word.
It turns out that "güey" wich is the incorrect pronuciation of "buey" became another rude word.

Either we like it or not, we have to be aware that the slang is a part of the culture of every country. THERE ARE BOOKS WRITTEN FOR THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SLANG AND THE RUDE EXPRESSIONS.
The Spanish that the foreigners learn here, could not be 100% applied for speaking equal in Mexico,Chile,Venezuela or Argentina.

We have the right to learn what is actually spoken in every country.

Coincido contigo en relajar la violencia lingüística, pero la realidad del idioma es algo que se debe saber.
Una flor para tí.