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Old April 21, 2012, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
THANK YOU so much!!
You're welcome

Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
In the text of the chapter I found the following: "Clean is not easy to translate in sentences like The cattle got clean away. In such cases it is much better to use the verb conseguir (manage, succeed in) followed by the verb escapar (escape)."

I thought that the sentence given in the exercises would be the same, just exchanging cattle for prisoners.....
That expression "get clean away" has a meaning too wide for me. I even heard people using "get clean away" and "get away clean" interchangeably, what I'm not sure it's correct. My interpretation of that was that "clean" adds some element of no-violent exploit of an opportunity, and not necessary that hectic try and try again until achieved that "lograr" or "conseguir" implies. I would like to confirm what does "clean" add to the sentence.

Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
I absolutely understand about simpático vs. amigable. But I was also wondering about using the phrase "en una manera".... I was surprised that the book didn't have anything about the word "way" in their answer....
But the book states "de forma muy amigable", that's a way.

Also, I tend to think in "amigable" as a part of "simpático", which is wider in meaning. Besides, there's a problem related to "amigable" and "amistoso" that even native speakers struggle to use well. Spanish "amigable" means -referring to people- "affable and friendship-prone", and it's mostly used with the verb "ser". But "amigable" means also "amistoso" when related to things, and this includes concepts taken from English like friendly software (un programa muy amigable). But "amistoso" is "the word", because it means friendship-like or friendship-related. "Un programa muy amistoso" in Buenos Aires would be the ideal person to have casual intimacy, or HAL 9000.

I would say that "el jefe me trató de manera muy amistosa".
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