Thread: Cartas
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Old October 30, 2013, 10:19 AM
jellybabe jellybabe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 304
jellybabe is on a distinguished road

¿Cómo se dice...?

"I'm talking about when they were allowed to bring cards to school, Lucas use to say to me "I'm allowed mummy" but I thought it wouldn't be too long until that stopped as it cause problems, the children can lose the cards or end up fighting over them."

"Estoy hablando de cuando se le permitía traer las cartas al cole, Lucas solío decirme "se me permite mamá" pero yo pensaba no tardaría mucho hasta que paro porque pueded causar problemas, los niños pueden perder las cartas o acaban peleando de las cartas"

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