Thread: "Know this!"
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Old February 21, 2016, 09:30 PM
jemenake jemenake is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 18
jemenake is on a distinguished road
"Know this!"

So, I do conversation over Skype with a Spanish teacher in Mexico, and I stumped him with this: I wanted to know what the imperative conjugations of "saber" were, and he said that he couldn't recall them. He said that they just don't use saber in that way in Spanish.

Now, I was able to, later, look up what imperativo saber is, but I still wonder, if you don't use saber in that way, how *do* you say something like:

"Know who the first president was for the exam"

Actually, I was talking to him about electric vehicles, and I was explaining "range anxiety" to him, and how EV drivers are admonished to "always know where a reachable charging station is".

How would you say something like that in Spanish? "Siempre esté seguro que sepa..." or something?
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