Thread: Animal obituary
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Old October 27, 2008, 02:36 PM
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Exclamation Animal obituary

I am supposed to do an animal obituary, and it's due tomorrow. It's 20 points and I really need to bring my Science grade up Maybe if I do well on this, my grade will go up.

This assignment is graded according to the PSSA format.
Focus/Content/Organization/Style/Conventions; these are all the categories I have to consider. The only thing I have to worry about is style.
So please read my obituary. Find any errors and if you can make it better, I would appreciate it. Also, you can suggest things. It would really help me to do a good job on this assignment. Please help me before I turn this in.

Here is what is required in this paragraph:
-its full scientific name, followed by its common name
-its close relatives
-How old it was when it died (How long has it existed on the planet?)
-what niche it filled in the ecosystem:
*in what type of habitat was it normally found? Describe it.
*where, on the planet was it found?
*what role did it play in nature?

Please see if I missed anything. If I did, say what I did and give me clues on what I should write for that missing part.

Other direction(s):
Choose an animal or plant that is on the endangered species list. Prepare an obituary for the organism in the event that it actually does become extinct.

I know this doesn't have anything do to with Spanish, but I just do to a good job on this! Gracias!!
And remember, this isn't real, but the animal is endangered and may become extinct in the near future. However, the cause of the extinction is my own creative way.

Here is my obituary.

Splendid Poison frog
Dendrobates speciosus
The splendid poison frog, a colorful yet deadly creature, has many relatives. There are also other kinds of poison dart frogs, like the strawberry and golden dart frogs, that are plentiful in this world, but sadly, there are not many splendid poison frogs left. The frogs are native to Panama, and their natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montanes. They are insectivores and predators would not eat them because of their poisonous skin. These frogs have been on Earth since the dinosaurs. There are no more frogs in the forests anymore, but there are a few in a lab located near the forest. They were the last ones until something terrible happened. It was noon on April 15th, 2050. The owner of the lab left and locked the doors. Around 4 PM, the owner returned to find the doors unlocked and the lab in ruins. The dead bodies of the frogs were on the floor. Right now police are investigating on why someone would kill the frogs and who it was. For now, all we know is that the splendid frog is extinct.

Last edited by Jessica; October 27, 2008 at 03:39 PM.
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