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Old July 11, 2021, 04:14 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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All your sentences are grammatically correct.

I'd prefer "más me vale que" for a situation in which you are evidently threatened or there is an obvious consequence if you don't do otherwise. Maybe you're seeing the other person getting uncomfortable talking to you, or a boss approaching to scold you for not working.
Some examples:
- Más te vale que la casa esté limpia cuando llegue. -> You'll face consequences if the house is still dirty when I'm back home.
- Más le vale al gobernador cumplir sus promesas. -> The people will react if the governor doesn't keep his promises.
- Más me vale salir corriendo. -> Something bad will happen to me if I don't rush out now.

A more common way to say it: "Bueno, mejor te dejo seguir trabajando".
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