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Old May 31, 2023, 12:10 PM
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Constantin Constantin is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Location: Heidenheim an der Brenz
Posts: 11
Native Language: Romanian
Constantin is on a distinguished road
Ahí va, como el caballo de copas


"Sea de ello lo que quiera, ahí va, como el caballo de copas."

It it easier for me to express myself in English. Later I will do it in Spanish, of course - I can understand a lot of Spanish (reading) but I have no opportunities to practise the spoken language.

I am reading "El monte de las ánimas" de Bécquer and I came across
"Sea de ello lo que quiera, ahí va, como el caballo de copas".

I know what "caballo de copas" means en la baraja española y el tarot but in the context above I have no idea.

Could you help me, please?

Muchas gracias y un saludo cordial desde el Sur de Alemania.
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