Thread: Estar practice
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Old March 04, 2009, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by AngelicaDeAlquezar View Post
@Rusty: Why wouldn't you agree about "Su madre no está conforme con su hija"?

Maybe it's a bit too Mexican, but I would understand "No estoy conforme contigo" like "I'm not very happy with the things you do".

@cmon: "estar conforme con" would mean to accept a situation without questioning, either because you are satisfied with it, you agree or you simply resigned yourself to accept it.
That is why. The translation was 'doesn't agree with' instead of 'isn't happy with'.

Estar+para+infinitive and estar+por+infinitive can mean the same thing, depending on where you learned Spanish.

Está por llover. = It's about to rain. (hits on the Internet = 3,610)
Está para llover. = It's about to rain. (hits on the Internet = 753)

Estar + para + infinitive can also indicate a purpose.
Estar + por + infinitive can mean to be in favor of doing something.

Estoy para estudiar. = I'm here to study. -or- I'm about to study.
Estoy por estudiar. = I'm in favor of studying. -or- I'm about to study.
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