Thread: Aún / todavía
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Old August 29, 2009, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by ookami View Post
If you say: Aun no tengo zapatos yo todavía quiero caminar a la tienda.
It's like: I still don't have shoes. I still/ Yet I want to walk to the store.
Hmm.. I am not sure there is any real difference in 'duration' between 'still/still not' and 'not yet'..?

Thing is, in Dutch we use 'nog (niet)' and 'nog steeds (niet)'. The latter implaying that something 'still has not' happened yet, whereas the first just says ' not yet'. The latter implies a longer period of time waiting, and also some impatience by the person saying it.

I have always interpreted this to be more or less the difference between 'aún' and 'todavia'.

I mean ' He isn't here yet' to me sounds more 'neutral' and not as impatient as e.g. ' He still isn't here yet..' or 'He's still not here' ..

Am I correct in the assumption that this slight difference between time elapsed /degree of impatience is implied also between the use of 'aún' being the more neutral option, and 'todavia' meaning more 'still not ...(yet)' in combination with 'no' ?
Or is this a distinction I just assumed due to these words being used slightly differently in my native tongue?
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