Thread: Aún / todavía
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Old August 30, 2009, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
Hmmmm..... Take a look at this link:

I see that they specify that "yet" indicates something that will happen at a future point in time. "Still" indicates something that has been an ongoing process........

Yes I agree with Lou Ann - to me also there is a subtle but clear difference in the use of 'yet' and 'still' . Indeed 'yet' refers to future and 'still' is a combination of something ongoing & still to happen or be done/completed in future.

Also I think still, probably because it is ongoing/ has been ongoing, implies that something is taking more time than 'yet'.

' I haven't done it yet' - could refer to something you just found out you had to do for instance, and haven't done just yet.

' I still haven't done it yet' means you planned to, or should have - some time elapsed since you have known you had to do it, but you still haven't come round to doing it.

For example:

'My friend asked me to go get the groceries but I haven't done it yet, because I just came home from work'.

'I asked you to go to the supermarket 4 hours ago when you got home..Now I am back from my errants and you still haven't done it!'

So I am wondering if there is a difference like this in the use of 'aún' and 'todavia' also, or are they used similarly, and is there no difference implied?
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Last edited by EmpanadaRica; August 30, 2009 at 05:49 AM.
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