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Old November 29, 2009, 11:47 AM
VivaEspana VivaEspana is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 128
VivaEspana is on a distinguished road
Conditional Tenses-Correcciones por favor

I finally woke up to my senses that there was something wrong with my grammar when I read subjunctive and conditional etc. Correccionnes por favor.

You can't say we weren't warned ahead of time about Obama's globalist and controlling tendencies.

As candidate Obama explained in a campaign speech in Portland on May 18, 2008, it would be tough for him to get together with the world's leaders and establish international controls on human behaviour if we continue to carry on with our individualistic hankerngs to eat cheeseburgers and drive things that are twice as big as the Smart Car.


Tu no dices que nosotros no estuvimos advertimos delante del tiempo sobre las globalistay controlando tendencias de Obama.

Como el candidato Obama explico en el discurso para la campagna en Portland a Mayo 18, 2008, ello habria sido ( o habria podido?) para lo pedir todos juntos con los lideres del mundo y habrian establecido los controls internaccionales sobre del compartamiento humano si nosotros habriamos continuado seguir con nuestros anhelos individuos comer las hamburguesas con quezos y habriamos manejado las cosas que habrian sido el doble de grande como de la Coche Listo (SmartCar),
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