Thread: Atajo
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Old December 17, 2009, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Elaina View Post
You know, and I could be wrong, I've heard the word used to also mean "bunch". Not like a bunch of flowers or anything like that but to mean a bunch of "idiots", "pigs", "mules" when referring to a group of undesirables.

As a matter of fact, that was the only way I had heard it before. Never had I heard it used as a shortcut.

Live and learn......
Yes, we say atajo or hatajo (usually with "h") when we talk about a group of indesirables, too:

Un hatajo de indeseables vagaba por la calle.
Un hatajo de gandules es lo que hay.

Originally Posted by Perikles View Post
I beg your pardon - in fact in the specific translation, a better word would have been a drove of sheep (a smaller group than a flock, which is driven, i.e. guided by a shepherd and dog).

This might interest you - groups of animals all have different names, for example An implausibilty of gnus.
Useful link. Thanks.

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