Thread: Albedrío
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Old December 21, 2009, 03:17 AM
DailyWord DailyWord is offline
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This is a discussion thread for the Daily Spanish Word for December 21, 2009

albedrío (masculine noun (el)) — will, choice, decision (libre albedrío) free will. Look up albedrío in the dictionary

Dios le dio libre albedrío al hombre para que éste tomara sus propias decisiones.
God gave man free will so that he could make his own decisions.

Te puedo ayudar a encontrar al asaltante, pero dejo a tu albedrío si le damos una paliza o si lo llevamos a la policía.
I can help you find the assailant, but it's up to you whether you want to beat him up or take him to the police.

El abuelo tenía mucho dinero. Dejamos a su albedrío si quería repartirlo entre los pobres o entre su familia.
Our grandfather had a lot of money and we let him decide whether he wanted to distribute it to the poor or give it to his family.
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