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Old December 28, 2009, 06:33 PM
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poli poli is offline
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poli will become famous soon enoughpoli will become famous soon enough
Oliebols are zeppoli in the New York metropolitan area. They are usually
available at street fairs like St Anthony's in June or San Gennaro in
September. THey never have anything a healthy as raisons in them. These are big local street fairs sponsored by the Catholic church but it is said that organized crime(Mafia/cosa nostra) has a hand in it as well.They put confectioner's sugar in a paper bag and shake the
freshly fried zeppoli in the bag coating the fried dough. I am not fond of these. I am sure that zéppoli mean zeppolins in Italian because they float to the top of the oil pot when they are done.

Appelflaps seem to have a equivalent in either apple fritters or fried apple

The only typical American New Year's food I could think of are black eyed peas and rice. This food is eaten supposedly for good luck. This custom comes from New Orleans and is not commonly practiced eaten a New Years elsewhere except in Cajun and New Orlean Creole-style restaurants.

En españa hay un costumbre de uvas. No estoy seguro, pero creo que
tiene que comer doce uvas en los ultimos momentos antes de las doce para buena suerte. Recuerdo que en Madrid en la noche de 31 de diciembre se encuentra un ejército de coreanos vendiendo pequeñas bolsas de doce uvas. Tambien dentro la area de la Plaza de Sol la policia requiere que la gente que lleve botellas de cava, envacia las botellas en
bolsas plásticas. Seguro para evitar peleas con borracheros
tirando botelllas. En Nueva York ni puede acercar Times Square con una
botella, y la policia chequea toda la gente que lleva bolsas. Bebidas alcólicas están estrictamente prohibidos afuera restaurantes y barras. Sin embargo miles de bobos enfrenten el frio y la presencia constante de policia para estar en la muchadumbre de Times Square mirando una bola bajar a las doce.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias.
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