Thread: Legalese
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Old April 18, 2008, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Alfonso View Post
Thanks a lot, David. Let me explain what I meant, just to check other possibilities out:
  • In Spanish you can use jerga de abogados, if it's got a not very good connotation the English term.
  • In Spanish you can use jerga de abogados, just in case it's got a not very good connotation the English term.
I Know in these two last sentences, at least, the word order is wrong. OK, but is it acceptable in a colloquial register or when talking? I wrote what came to my mind, but I know I'm thinking Spanishly.

Let's check the English word order:
  • In Spanish you can use jerga de abogados, if the English term hasn't got a very good connotation.
  • In Spanish you can use jerga de abogados, just in case the English term hasn't got a very good connotation.
Thanks a lot for your help!
You weren't thinking Spanishly enough.
Here's how to say it in English, and it would be very similar to Spanish:
In Spanish you can use jerga de abogados, but it doesn't have a very
good connotation (or it's somewhat derogatory)
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