Thread: Doctor o Medico
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Old May 10, 2010, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by JPablo View Post
Although this subject may already been talked in abundance, I have observed that the Latin American Spanish tends to use more the word "doctor" than the word "médico". In Spain we will commonly say, "Me fui al médico para una revisión/un chequeo", whereas in México they would most commonly say "Fui al doctor para..." or "Fui a ver al doctor..." In other words, I believe, and I believe it strongly, based on the many translations I have seen from Mexican translators, the use of "doctor" is quite more pervasive in Latin América in all registers, while in Spain is not so used in a colloquial register. Probably somebody in the Royal Academy, or other places, may have the exact data on the "percentages" of usage of these terms, but like the Spanish expression goes, "Doctores tiene la Iglesia..." (Although these are "Doctores en Filosofía" or "Doctores en Teología"...) , I just give my little piece of practical knowledge that might or might not be "universally true".
Is it a Cuban song the one that goes, "Doctor, mañana no me saca usté una muelaaa... aunque me mueeeera de doloorrrr..."?
Then again, there is a Golden Age of Spanish literature title that reads "El médico de su honra".

En el caso de la canción nosotros los chilenos no diríamos (o decíamos) en forma seria Doctor por Dentista.

Como se usaba en Chile, y no sé si seguirá así.

Voy al doctor o al médico.
¿A qué doctor o médico vas a ver?
al Doctor Pituto (nunca Médico Pituto)
¿Qué dijo el médico o el doctor?

En el caso de la medicina vs medicamento, para mí son lo mismo. Usos, aunque son intercambiables. Aplicable en plural también.

Tómate tu ...
Le voy a recetar un/una ... muy buena.
Anda a buscarme el/la ...

Hasta donde yo sé, nunca hemos llamado doctores a los abogados etc. incluso si tuvieran doctorados, no sé si ahora habrá cambiado eso.
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