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Old May 23, 2010, 06:07 AM
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JPablo JPablo is offline
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JPablo is on a distinguished road
Well, maybe we need a bit of context, to get a better idea. What is the context for your expression?
The literal translation is "where he puts the eye he puts the bullet." It can be used in conjunction with Ya le eché el ojo. I already set my eye on that.

It can be used as an expression that you always get what you had set your eye or mind on. I got this house I always wanted, it took some patience and saving but I got it because you know me "donde pongo el ojo pongo la bala".

A possible idea could be "wherever he sets his mind to a task/purpose/aim/objective, he always achieves the desired result" He is a "go-getter" "a driven person" could be another possibility.
You could also go with something like "he is the 'utmost' good shot in the West", "he's got perfect marksmanship" "he's deadeye". "He is always on target" (meeting his expectations).
Hey, Robindesbois! He is like you! Able to split an arrow that was already right on target, with another arrow! He is a real Robin Hood!

Yeah, I was writing this answer while you put your additional post. I think that will work!

Last edited by JPablo; May 23, 2010 at 06:08 AM. Reason: I saw the last post by RobinDesBois
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