Thread: My self study
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Old July 08, 2010, 06:31 PM
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Chris Chris is offline
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I like the ship analogy. It's similar to one you would hear in the states about testing the waters with your toes to see if it's cold when you should just jump in head first and get it over with.

I can see where people would get confused with my sentences as far as who has won la copa mundial as it hasn't been played yet. I should have realized what I was saying was two different thoughts. Unfortunately I'm guilty of expressing my thoughts in that way. I say way more stuff in my head than comes out on the keyboard. I lose my train of thought while I'm typing. Anyway on to jumping into the pool.

I was late for work this morning. Checking these forums was the reason.

Yo estaba tarde porque laboral esta mañana. Revisé los foros estaba la razón.

This took me so long to type that I'm thinking I may need to just go through the lessons before I attempt this again.
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