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Old August 14, 2010, 05:35 PM
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ceri ceri is offline
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Can most of the verbs be used with a reflexive meaning?

I am learning the reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns now and they hurt... especially the verbs.
I've just learned to understand the following points, más o menos..
1. Actions perform on myself/my body parts are reflexive;
2. Emotional or mental actions are reflexive in the sense they never leave me.

And then I'm baffled when read about some points here and there in my textbook without further explanation given:
1. a reflexive verb will always be used with an animate subject;
(I get confused because in phrases such as
''se abrio it (the door)'' opened (by itself)
'les gusta acampar' they like camping
in both phrases, the subjects are quite inanimate.)
2. most any verb can be used with a reflexive meaning even if it is not officially a reflexive verb. (I am not even sure I understand what it means)

Please, are there some errors in my textbook or any ways to explain these points?

Muchas gracias!

Last edited by ceri; August 14, 2010 at 05:38 PM.
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