Thread: Poemas
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Old August 27, 2010, 05:39 PM
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vita32 vita32 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 522
Native Language: Bicol/Tagalog; English = second language
vita32 is on a distinguished road

Mi caminar mañana

De ocho y media de la mañana
yo comenzo caminando.

Vi los pajaros perchado sobre
los arboles proximo de la calzada;

Y algun insectos todavia cantando
el nota de pasada noche.

El aire de mañana fue fresco y agradable.
El rayo del sol senti bien en mi espalda.

Vi la niebla naciente del lago
como la fantasmas a desparecio a la prisa!

English translation:

My morning walk

From eight-thirty in the morning
I started walking.

I saw the birds perched on
the trees next to the road;

And some insects still singing
the note of last night.

The morning air was cool and pleasant.
The sun ray felt good on my back.

I saw the mist rising from the lake,
disappeared like ghosts in the rush!

Escritos por vita32 en 27 agosto 2010

Corrigir mis errores por favor.

Last edited by vita32; August 27, 2010 at 05:42 PM. Reason: I noted that I typed "l" instead of "y" for "yo"
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