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Old October 12, 2010, 02:18 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
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This is a long post. I've hidden the videos, so loading the page won't be a problem for slower connections. (Let me suggest not to quote the whole message)

I have mentioned some times that there is no such thing as "Latin American" Spanish, and maybe there is no such thing as a "national accent" in many countries. But there is a standard Spanish where we understand each other.
As an example, I have selected some interviews with high-level politicians from many Spanish speaking countries.
I chose politicians because regardless of what they say, they will use this standard language. And I chose interviews because they speak relaxedly and naturally, so their accents are appreciated.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner - Argentina
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Michelle Bachelet - Chile
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José Mujica - Uruguay
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Fernando Lugo - Paraguay
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Rafael Correa - Ecuador
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Alberto Fujimori - Perú
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Evo Morales (interviewed by a Spaniard) - Bolivia
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Hugo Chávez (interviewed by a Mexican) - Venezuela
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Álvaro Uribe - Colombia
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Óscar Arias - Costa Rica
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Manuel Zelaya - Honduras
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Mauricio Funes - El Salvador
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Daniel Ortega - Nicaragua
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Álvaro Colom - Guatemala
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Felipe Calderón - México
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Leonel Fernández (interviewed by a Colombian) - República Dominicana
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Luis Fortuño - Puerto Rico
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And...The accent of this man is completely different from what you've heard before:

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo* - Guinea Ecuatorial (Equatorial Guinea)
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*The link for Equatorial Guinea accent was no longer valid, so I found this one. Listen to the interviewer; the interviewed man is speaking Spanish with his French accent.
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...

Last edited by AngelicaDeAlquezar; October 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM. Reason: Updated links to unavailable videos
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